Saturday, December 31, 2011


The last day of 2011 has been just like any other day in our house. We had cinnamon rolls for breakfast (thank you Pillsbury!) and watched Toy Story 3 then Toy Story 2. Those movies are on constantly at our house these days. Bryson played with this toys and found a new phrase "ur get-ting on my nerbes!" Y'all Clay and I busted out laughing when he said that. I don't think we've laughed that hard in a while.

Usually a new year brings new years resolutions for a lot of people. Over the years I've tried to make a few resolutions and do my best throughout the year to hold true to them. I don't always succeed.

This year I've decided I'm not going to make any goals for 2012. I realize that I'll be entering my third trimester, have two babies under 3 and learning how to parent TWO children all in this new year.

I can't imagine adding on trying to lose weight or making organization goals for the house. This year I just want to sit back and enjoy this journey we are about to experience. Time has flown by with Bryson and I want to TRY and remember every moment with our two boys.

I hope to learn a lot about myself this year. I have a severe Type A personality and sometimes that can be a fault as a mother of young children. My boys don't have to match every day. If they aren't dressed up every day that will be fine. My house doesn't have to look like something out of a Southern Living magazine and if I don't get out of my pj's for a day, that's okay too. This year I just want to slow down!

My first priority is to be a wife to my husband and a mother to my children. Serving them and meeting their needs comes before anything else. These are the days to make life count. We have no idea when our last day here on earth will come to an end and I want to leave an impact on my husband and children. I want them to know I did the very best I could. That they were what was most important in my life.

What goals are you making for 2012? I know these are going to be some of the BEST days of our lives and I want to live in the moment. Very soon our boys will be grown, asking to drive the car and going out on dates! Oh my, am I going to be ready for when that day comes? That will be the time I can make my new years resolutions.

Happy New Year!!!!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Day After Christmas

Monday night we celebrated Christmas with my family at my parents house. We had a very "non-traditional" dinner which consisted of Taco Soup and Chili and all the fixin's. It was delicious and the perfect meal for a cold and rainy winter's night. Of course mom made her yummy creme de menthe brownies. I have got to get this recipe and make them more often. And daddy made his sausage balls. Those are always a staple at our family's house around the holidays.

This little one stole the show. My brother and SIL welcomed their little girl, Anna Katherine on December 13th. She made an early appearance and has had a few little bumps, but she is getting bigger and bigger every day and we are SO excited she's here. I will blog more about this precious angel next month.

A view of the whole family. All Bryson wanted to do was open presents.

Grandmaw and Anna Katherine

Uncle Tommy making a crazy face!

My sister and her fiance Carlton and my two nieces Destiny and Maddie

Daddy and Bryson opening their gifts. Grandmaw and Pawpaw got Bryson his sheets for his new BIG boy bed. We are in the process of getting his room ready. I can't wait to show y'all what we've added.

My parents got my brother Kavin this R2D2 robot that is activated with voice command. It was the hit of the night! I think Bryson even wanted one to take home.

Tommy, Michele and Anna Katherine

This is just the most precious little face. She was so good the entire night. I'm so excited she's here!!!!

Destiny and Bryson. Two peas in a pod :)

The grandparents with 3 out of 5 of their grandkids!

We hope you and your family had a VERY blessed Christmas Season!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Day 2011

Clay and I had been looking forward to Christmas Day for several weeks. Last year Bryson was somewhat excited, but didn't know what it all meant. Now that he is 2 1/2 and he'd been talking about it more and more, we knew this day would be so magical for him as well as us. Christmas through the eyes of your child brings such a smile to your face. Watching them experience the magic and the joy this season brings makes my heart overjoyed!

I got home from work right before 8am and Bryson was still in the bed asleep. So I went ahead and started on breakfast and looked at everything Santa had brought. :) I think Bryson was a good boy this year!

This year Clay and I decided not to exchange any gifts. But I did sneak him a Christmas card that might have had an iTunes gift card in it. Even though we didn't buy gifts this year I thought it would be nice to give him his card before we woke Bryson up. Maybe this will be another tradition we can start; exchanging gifts right before the kids wake up.

Clay went in and woke Bryson up and told him that Santa had come to visit. I was sitting in the living room with the camera ready listening to Bryson tell daddy that he didn't want to come out and "No Santa!" I think he thought Santa might be waiting on him outside his bedroom.

Here he is seeing his gifts for the first time!

He was really excited about all of his presents. One by one he would show Clay and I want he had gotten.

Bryson and Daddy

Out of all his toys, Mr. Potato Head was the BIG hit! I would have never guessed the cheapest toy would turn out to be his favorite. He hasn't put it down since Sunday.

Mommy and Bryson (sorry the pic is blurry, it's the best one I could get).

I stayed up til about 10:30am then I had to get some rest. I'd been up for over 24 hours and it was beginning to take a toll on me. So this was the first year I was going to miss out on Christmas at Clay's dad's house. Clay was sweet enough to take the camera and get some pictures of Bryson opening his gifts.

Clay said he was so excited about "opening" the presents. Both Bryson and Owen got Buzz Light Year Power-Quads. Nana cleaned out a spot in the kitchen so they could ride them around the house.

OMG!!! This was what Nana and Pawpaw got mommy for Christmas. Y'all I was uber excited when I woke up and opened this up! I cannot wait for the boys to see this next Christmas.

After a looooong day with NO nap, Bryson crashed in our bed and got to sleep with daddy while mommy went back to work for her last night.

I hope each and every one of you had a Very Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Eve

I was lucky to get off work on Friday night so I could enjoy all the festivities on Christmas Eve. I stayed up late Friday night helping "Santa" put together some of Bryson's toys. And did some last minute gift wrapping. Christmas Eve is usually the busiest day for our family. We wake up and get ready to head over to Clay's grandmother's house for breakfast and exchange gifts and play dirty santa. This is one of my favorite traditions with Clay's mom's family. I'm a BIG breakfast eater and the food we have is so delicious. I hope this is a tradition we can carry on with our boys in the future.

Bryson and Nikki in his "play room." I think he was trying to show and tell Nikki what she needed to color. They are best buddies! Bryson loves her very much.

I didn't get any food pictures this year. But I can report that it was one of the best we've had. Biscuits, gravy, bacon, hashbrown casserole (that I've got to learn how to make. Haley has the best recipe), orange rolls, and a ton more. I was glad I had a reason to go back for seconds and thirds. Ha!

After breakfast we let Bryant and Bryson open their presents. Y'all I have never seen so much stuff in all my life. These boys are spoiled rotten! At one point I looked over at Clay and told him I don't know why Santa was visiting our house.

He got Cars and Toy Story toys. As soon as he'd finish opening one gift they would hand him another.

Our family. Sorry the lighting is bad. I've been trying to play with my camera and I didn't have it set on the right mode. I can't believe next year we will have another addition!

This was the only picture I could get of Bryant. He was so busy playing and enjoying all his new toys.

I guess the box was more fun to play with :)

After exchanging gifts and playing dirty santa, Clay's mom comes over to our house and we exchange gifts with her. This year she bought Bryson a Hot Wheels bike. When she brought it in he said "Wow, momma, Wow da-da. Look at this!" That's his favorite saying right now.

Clay was trying to show him how to use the pedals. I think he'll get the hang of it pretty soon.

After Mimi left I got Bryson down for a very quick nap and then we headed to church for our Christmas Eve service. This was our first year to go and it was Bryson's first time in "Big" church since he was a baby. The service was wonderful and Bryson was the best! This is another one of the many traditions I hope we can continue as a family. Can y'all tell how much I love traditions? I just think they are so special and a fun way to teach your kids.

The service last about an hour then we were off to Clay's Aunt and Uncle's house on his step-mom's side. They are only 5 minutes away from where we live so we didn't have a lot of traveling to do.

Bryson was fascinated by this Fiber Optic Gingerbread Train Aunt Bebe got from Cracker Barrel. I spent all day calling and going by the different Cracker Barrel's around town trying to find one. It must have been popular because everyone was sold out. Maybe they'll have something similar next Christmas.

Pawpaw and Bryson

Bryson and Owen. They are having such a good time together with one another. We went through a little spell where Bryson wasn't interested in Owen. But they are playing so well together now! Aunt Erica and Bryson playing with on the race car track. Angie, Aunt Jessica and Aunt Erica. All three such beautiful girls. Daddy found Uncle Jimmy's guitar downstairs and started playing a little (he hasn't played in years, but you couldn't tell). Looks like mommy might be buying daddy a guitar soon!

Bryson was excited to open more presents again that night! Aunt Bebe and Uncle Jimmy got him this cute Auburn Tiger toboggan and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse bowling ball set. And Aunt Vanessa got him a Cars race car.

Christmas Eve was busy like always, but we had so much fun getting together with our families. Of course we had a hard time getting Bryson to bed. What two year old do you know that would want to go to sleep after the day he had. Ha!

This is my most favorite time of year!

Monday, December 26, 2011

23 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 23 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby W is the size of a mango
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 7 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Yes!
Gender: It's a BOY!!!
Movement: He's been moving so much this last week. Mostly between 10pm to 6am. And he is quite the kicker too.
Sleep: We had a lot going on this week, so I got sleep when I could. Christmas Eve to Christmas Day was hard. I was up for over 24 hours during that time. Hope to catch up this week.
What I miss: Absolutely nothing!
Cravings: Anything salty and savory. And I've started eating a few sweet things.
Symptoms: Started getting more tired. And I've started waddeling like I'm full term. I wonder what it's going to be like when I'm actually there?
Best Moment this week: Getting to watch Bryson open presents and seeing how excited he was on Christmas morning. This is his last Christmas as an only child and for me it was a little bittersweet. But I'm so excited for what next Christmas will bring with both of the boys!!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Away In A Manger

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head.

The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay,
The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.

The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,
But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes.

I love thee, Lord Jesus. Look down from the sky,
And stay by my side until morning is nigh.

Be near me Lord Jesus, I ask thee to stay.
Close by me forever, and love me I pray.

Bless all the dear children, in thy tender care.
And take them to heaven, to be with thee there.

The entire month of December Bryson has requested "Away In A Manger" before he goes to bed. There have been several times where he has tried to sing the words with me. I LOVE that he wants to sing songs about Jesus. I can't wait to teach him more about our Savior and the love he has for each one of us.

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" Luke 2: 13-14

Friday, December 23, 2011

30 Years

WOW! I can't believe I turned 30 years old yesterday. Where has the time gone? As I look back on my life there are things that I am very proud of and things that I'm not so proud of. There are things that if I had the opportunity to do over again, I would in a heartbeat. But I think there comes a point in everyone's life where they feel that way. God has truly blessed me and I don't thank Him enough.

Since I had to work on my birthday (BOO) Clay and I celebrated last Saturday night. I told him I didn't want a party, I just wanted to spend time with him since we haven't seen each other over the last few months. So he took me to Carrabba's for dinner, Christmas shopping and to the movies to see "Breaking Dawn." We didn't get home until after 1am. Y'all I can't tell you the last time that has happened.

Thank you mom and dad for letting Bryson spend the night!

Last night at work at 12:01am my sweet friend Mary told me happy birthday and then brought in this amazing cake from Edgar's Bakery.

How appropriate is a Grinch cake for your 30th birthday :)

My night at work was pretty laid back. I stopped by Target on the way home to grab a few last minute Christmas gifts for Bryson's stocking. My parents took us out to Cracker Barrel for breakfast this morning and oh my if I didn't stuff my face with the Mama's French Toast.

The sweetest thing happened on our way to meet my parents. While we were in the car Clay asked Bryson if there was something he needed to tell momma today. Bryson sat there for a minute and then said "Hapty birfday momma!" Of course my hormones have been out of control and I immediately started crying. Clay said they practiced all night last night. It was probably the highlight of my day.

Bryson trying very hard to figure out how to solve the peg puzzle. It was so funny because he kept calling the pieces "ice cream cones."

Me and my man!

My mom and dad with Bryson

After stuffing my face we went back home and I headed to bed. I slept really good for the first time in months on my work week. So overall it was a good day.

Wednesday night my mom stopped by and dropped off these cute gifts for the boys. I thought I would post them.

My mom made this canvas. She found it on pinterest (of course, where else). I don't know if you can read the saying, but it says "This is the hand that you used to hold when I was only 2 years old." Another tear jerker.

I can't wait for Bryson to wear this little outfit. My mom got it from Crazy 8. I've heard several girls at work talk about this store, but I've never been in there. Mom said the prices were reasonable. So I might be going by there to check out there after Christmas sells.

She also bought him this cute jacket.

Not to long ago I found this adorable picture on pinterest of a newborn with a sock monkey hat on and I new I had to have one for Baby #2. Well my mom bought one and gave it to me yesterday at breakfast. I love it and can't wait to see it on the baby!

And last but not least I got Bryson to sit in front of the Christmas tree last night. I had to bribe him with my iphone. Ha!

I'm in love with this little boy! I can't imagine how much my heart will be full when #2 gets here.

Here's to 30 more years of a wonderful life!

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