Monday, February 28, 2011

What's Going on Today

I thought it would be fun to do a post about what a typical day is like right now for us. I haven't posted anything like this in a long time. Bryson is changing and growing so fast that it's hard for me to keep up. I want to remember what times were like during these stages of his life. I hope to be able to do one of these posts about every six months.

Today started off with me getting Bryson ready for MDO. The last few mornings we have struggled getting ready and getting out the door. He hasn't been waking up in the best mood and that usually causes this momma some problems. Ha! I didn't have anywhere to go today...which is the case most of the time, so I just roll out of bed and take him, hair in a ponytail and looking like a "hot mess." Thank goodness for the carpool line. Ha!!!

These days I'm doing good to get him this far out the door without pitching a fit! I can usually coax him into the car by telling him we'll listen to the Bob and Larry cd. Gets him every time! Ha!! Today made two days in a row where Bryson did not kick and scream when one of his teachers gets him out of the car. His bottom lip quivered a little, but no meltdown which I am so thankful for. I want him to enjoy this time and enjoy getting to be around other kids.

I did make a special stop by my favorite place today to get me a "pick me up." Since I don't have time to make myself coffee in the mornings, a large ocean water will do me just fine :)

After I dropped him off I went back home and folded the endless amount of laundry that somehow three people can create. It's never ending!

I picked Bryson up from "school" and his teacher told me he wasn't acting like himself today. I think these molars are doing a number on him. Bless his heart, we've been running fevers, his balance has been off and he's not sleeping well at all. She told me that he even took a 30 minute nap. He will usually wait until we get home to take his nap, so I didn't plan on being able to get too much done. I did make these brownies for after dinner tonight. Don't they look delicious?

And unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher. This is also something I feel like I do ALL the time. Do ya'll ever feel that way too?

Bryson ended up sleeping for 3 hours!!! He got up and I let him have some chocolate milk and raisins...what a combo, but hey that's what he's into right now. And watch Veggietales so I could get supper started.

I made a combination of the PW's mashed/twice baked potatoes. I didn't have all the ingredients for her mashed potato recipe so I combined it with the twice baked potatoes. They turned out really good. All it needed was some bacon! We also had her chicken-fried steak. Yum-o! I didn't have time to make up the gravy and Clay made a point to tell me (in a loving way) that he missed the "white gravy!" Of course I thought the mashed potatoes would be something Bryson would eat. NO!!! He didn't eat one bite of them and he used to be so good about eating them. Hoping this is just a phase.

After supper Clay was sweet enough to offer to give Bryson his bath. I was completely worn out and needed to finish cleaning up the kitchen. Plus this is my first night back to work, so I just needed a little time to relax.

It has become a ritual at our house that after Bryson is clean and in his pajamas we all get on our bed and watch one more episode of Veggietales, Handy Manny, or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I really enjoy this time and it's so special for Clay and I. After its over we say our prayers and if Bryson is in the mood one of us will rock him. It's rare that he wants to be rocked anymore - breaks my heart.

Well it's finally 8:20pm and he's in the bed. Clay and I are planning to watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy and then I'm going to try and sneak in a quick nap before I head off to work.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Family Fun Weekend

My dad and Aunts came over for a short weekend visit this Friday and Saturday. It's been a while since they have seen Bryson (in person); we try to Skype as often as we can. Have ya'll ever tried Skype? It's a must have if you have family that live out of town or that you don't get to see very often.

Friday night we met up with my brother and SIL for dinner at one of the local mexican restaurants in town. We always have mexican at least once when my dad is here to visit. I could eat it 24/7, it so delicious! After dinner we headed to my brother's house to play Rock Band. Oh my goodness! Ya'll I am SO addicted to this game. I'm really glad we don't have it at the house. I would never get any housework done. HA!!

I didn't have my camera with me so I wasn't able to get any good action pictures of the family rockin' it out! But my dad got some cute pictures of Bryson playing the guitar and drums. I'll post those as soon as he sends me the copies.

Saturday, Bryson and I headed back down to my SIL and brother's house. Clay wasn't able to come...he had some papers to write for school. We had lunch at one of my favorite BBQ places...

If ya'll ever come through Alabama, this is one of the best bbq places...besides Dreamlands to eat. Oh, and they have some really good keylime pie too!!

Bryson LOVED playing with Aunt Michele on her piano. Right before I took this picture Bryson said "Aunt Michele..." we all got sooo excited! He wanted her to come over and play the piano with him. I think I might have caught a little dissapointment in Uncle Tommy's face when he said her name. Ha!

Bryson with his Grandpa

We didn't get to spend much time at my brother's. I really believe Bryson is cutting his 2 year molars. He's been running a fever, his balance has been off, and I can hardly get him to eat anything. He just hasn't been his self the last few days. I hated we had to cut our time short with my dad and aunt's, but Clay and I are planning a trip out to Texas sometime this summer. I can't wait to get all the kids together to play and have a wonderful time.

Hope ya'll had a great weekend. I'm getting ready to watch the Biggest Night in Hollywood...The Oscar's!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I just had to share this video with ya'll. The last few days Bryson's vocabulary has really expanded! I was telling my mom yesterday about all the two word phrases he's been saying and how I just can't get over all the words he's picking up from Clay and I.

Last night after we finished dinner he said "applesauce." Ya'll this is one of the funniest words I've heard him say. The way he says "sauce" cracks me up. I did so good not to laugh because if I had I know he would have stopped saying it. I can't tell if it's more of a southern drawl or a little Louisiana cajun accent...which if it's the latter I have no idea where he picked it up from since we live in AL. HA!

Bryson Saying Applesauce from Jennifer Wolford on Vimeo

Just excuse my country voice. HA! I posted this more for my family so they could hear Bryson since they can't be with us all the time.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Just Keep Smiling

What an awesome and amazing girls night out! Tonight our church hosted Tailgating with Pam Tebow and all the proceeds benefited the Just Keep Smiling Organization. This is a local organization in our area founded by 3 wonderful women to help the families of critically ill children. It's a wonderful organization and to find out more about what they can do you can visit there website...

I'm sorry my pictures aren't that great...I used my cell phone instead of my BIG camera. Didn't want to be labeled as one of those girls who takes pictures everywhere she goes. HA!!

Roxanne and Russell, morning show radio hosts on WDJC

Girls from Teen Challenge who did an amazing skit to Christy Nockels song Healing is in Your Hands. These girls did a wonderful job!

Can I just tell ya'll what a wonderful message Pam Tebow shared last night! It was just what I needed to hear during this season of my life and I'm so blessed that I was able to be there. One thing she shared with us was finding "our" mission in this life. And right now that is what I'm searching for. What has God called me to do? What is his purpose for me? I can honestly say that I am excited to see what God has in store for me and the changes that come!

This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. The Lord's loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. Lamentations 3:20-21

Monday, February 21, 2011

19 Months


You are 19 Months old today! So let's see what you've been up too...

You are a VERY active toddler these days. You are constantly on the go. I don't think you ever sit still for more than a minute!

You started MDO this month and I really think you are enjoying it. Your teachers say you play very well with all the other kids. And I can't tell you how proud that makes me.

You are saying new words and phrases all the time. You call balloons "happy" which I think is so funny. And just the other day you said "open it" and "fix it!" You are quite the little chatterbox.

You have become very picky when it comes to food and refuse just about anything we try to feed you. I hope it's just a stage because you have always been so good at eating.

I couldn't tell you how many teeth you have. If I had to guess it would be more than 10. You never let me look in your mouth long enough to count. And I think you are starting to cut a few more in the back.

You are SO smart and strong willed. We are working on disciplining you. Right now we are trying "toy" time-out. Instead of putting you in time-out we put your toys in time-out and it has been going pretty well! Some days are better than others.

Some days you have me rolling in the floor laughing because when I'm getting on to you - you just laugh and laugh and then start kicking your feet like you are about to bust out in a big dance. It's really hard for me to stay mad with you!

You love helping me with the laundry and dishes. You know exactly where to put things and where they go.

You amaze me at how fast you are growing up and turning into a precious, loving, and smart little boy. I can't believe how quickly you pick up on things these days. I am enjoying this stage of your life so much right now!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

First Church Singing

On super bowl Sunday Clay took Bryson to his first singing at his dad's church. Clay was really excited to take him because he knew Bryson would have such a good time. I hated that I wasn't able to go...this is one of those times when I hate having to work. But I knew Bryson would have so much fun! He takes after me and my mother when it comes to listening to music. I've mentioned before that I hope Bryson will still be interested in music when he gets older.

Singing's are still pretty common here in the South. Do ya'll still have church singing's were you live?

Bryson watching the singers with Aunt BB

This picture is absolutely hillarious to me! If ya'll notice, Bryson has all of his things lined up in a row on the pew. I have NO idea where he gets his OCD from. Ha! Not to mention he looks like he is texting on Aunt Erica's phone. Hope this isn't a sign of what is to come in the future. Ha!

Bryson with his PawPaw

Aunt Erica and Uncle Seth came down for the weekend from Tennessee. Little Owen is getting so BIG. I can't believe he will be turning one in 4 months!

I thought this was such a good picture of the family.

I hate that I didn't have more pictures of Bryson watching the singing...Clay did take a video of it, but I can't remember if you could see enough of Bryson. I'll try to look at it again tonight and maybe post it soon if it turned out okay.

Hope ya'll are having a wonderful weekend. The weather is absolutely gorgous here. Wish I could enjoy it instead of sleeping through it!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Book List for 2011

***This week on SUYL @ Kelly's Korner is sharing your book list. This is the first time I've gotten together a list and I'm going to try and stick with it. I'm right on track so we'll see if I can keep it up!

Thanks for coming by and please let me know if ya'll have read any of these books and what you thought about them or have any other suggestions***

I finally got my reading list for 2011 organized and I thought I would share it with ya'll. I only have a few of these books and there are some I am borrowing from friends.

When I was pregnant with Bryson I read all the time and enjoyed it some much. Then after he came along I stopped reading all together - I have NO idea why that is? HA! January flew by and I didn't get on the reading bandwagon quick enough so I thought I would start in February.

I have a few other books that I am reading on the side - I told ya'll in a previous post about reading Love & Respect in our SS class and I also want to fit in Lisa Whelchel's book Taking Care of the Mommy in Me

Let me know if ya'll have read any of these books and what you thought about them...

Bringing Up Boys

Water for Elephants

Redeeming Love

Something Borrowed

Something Blue

Baby Proof




Crazy Love

The Help

Hope ya'll are having a great week. Let me know if there are any books I need to my list for next year. Hey...maybe I'll get through all of these and be able to fit in another book before 2012.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

This was the best picture I could get of Bryson before he went to school this morning. I think he was more excited about his party than getting his picture made. HA! I hope ya'll are having a wonderful day.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snow Day

So the meteorologists were right - we got a few inches of snow last night! We didn't get as much as some of the other southern states have gotten over the past few weeks, but enough to cover the ground and have a little change in scenery.

This is a what it looked like about 8pm last night. Sorry the picture is not so good.

What we woke up to this morning. Not too big of a difference from last night.

Last night I decided to make a batch of snow ice cream (well...Clay kept begging me to make some)!

All you do is get about 2 quarts (or more) of FRESH CLEAN snow! Mix a cup of sugar, a teaspoon of vanilla, and milk to get it to the consistency you want it. Then eat up! I'm going to serve it with brownies tonight :)

Bryson is trying to recover from a bad cold he's had this week, so we have just stayed in our pj's and watched movies and played with his mega blocks. I hope that he is better by Monday. His MDO is having a Valentine's Day party and I really want him to go! I think I'm more excited about the party than he is. Ha!!

I love the snow and can't believe how much we have gotten over the last few months, but I am definitely ready for some warmer weather and a much needed family vacation to the beach!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wintry Mix

I can't even begin to tell ya'll my displeasure with this dreadful weather that we have encountered here in the South the last few weeks. In the DEEP SOUTH we have to suffer through what is called the "wintry mix..." definition - a mix on rain and snow which literally means freezing rain. Oh, and did I mention that it always likes to show up on my week to work?? Ugh!!

This was my driver side mirror on Thursday night when I went into work. And from what Clay said it was worse during the day. He saw 3 wrecks on his way home from school and when he went to go and pick up Bryson it took him 2 1/2 hours to get to my grandmother's house who lives less than 15 miles from our house.

That night on my way to work 65 North was shut down due to a fatal wreck. When I got in my car the next morning the radio had confirmed 3 deaths due to the driving conditions. My heart breaks for each one of those families. People really need to be more careful when driving in these horrible conditions.

To let ya'll see kinda' what I'm talking about...this was my back porch on Friday morning and the day before it was a lot thicker than this. So ya'll kinda' see this "wintry mix" can be difficult and scary @ the same time when driving.

And according to one of the local meteorologists...there is the possibility of another "winter storm" towards the end of next week. They are talking about alot cooler temperatures than what we have seen so far, but no guarantees of where the snow will fall and how much. Looks like I will be heading to the local grocery store to pick up bread and milk. HA!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

First week of MDO in the books

Bryson finished his first week of MDO and from what his teachers have told me he's been great and they love having him! Today when I went to pick him up they said he started getting a little fussy about the last five minutes and when his teacher was putting him in the car he was in tears and his eyes looked like they could close at any minute.

Bless his heart - "school" is just wearing this baby out! But I think he really is enjoying it. And I just love his teachers.

This has been him his first two days after MDO - he's asleep before we leave Gardendale :)

I found Bryson's first little calendar in his backpack today for the month of February. It looks like they have something to do everyday :) And I got excited when I saw a note on the back asking all parents to bring 10 Valentine's Day cards on the 14th! I waited to be a mother for so long and just the smallest thing like buying Valentine's Day cards for his class makes me so happy!! I'm really enjoying this time in Bryson's life!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Girl's Night Out

For any of you girls that live in or around my area - Pam Tebow, former Florida quarterback Tim Tebow's mother (just for those of you that aren't into SEC football or college football as much as I am, ha!) will be speaking at my church on February 22!

I am really excited to hear Pam speak. She has raised 5 children - homeschooling each one, has lived for a number of years with her husband and family as a missionary in the Philippines, is an advocate for pro-life, and is currently in the process of writing a book about parenting...which I will be the first in line for because we all know I need the help, ha!

I think this is going to be a fun girls night out! So ladies...go ahead and tell your husbands that they are going to have to get off work early, take care of dinner and see about the kids. I hope ya'll get to come out and have a fun night!!

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