Saturday, February 19, 2011

First Church Singing

On super bowl Sunday Clay took Bryson to his first singing at his dad's church. Clay was really excited to take him because he knew Bryson would have such a good time. I hated that I wasn't able to go...this is one of those times when I hate having to work. But I knew Bryson would have so much fun! He takes after me and my mother when it comes to listening to music. I've mentioned before that I hope Bryson will still be interested in music when he gets older.

Singing's are still pretty common here in the South. Do ya'll still have church singing's were you live?

Bryson watching the singers with Aunt BB

This picture is absolutely hillarious to me! If ya'll notice, Bryson has all of his things lined up in a row on the pew. I have NO idea where he gets his OCD from. Ha! Not to mention he looks like he is texting on Aunt Erica's phone. Hope this isn't a sign of what is to come in the future. Ha!

Bryson with his PawPaw

Aunt Erica and Uncle Seth came down for the weekend from Tennessee. Little Owen is getting so BIG. I can't believe he will be turning one in 4 months!

I thought this was such a good picture of the family.

I hate that I didn't have more pictures of Bryson watching the singing...Clay did take a video of it, but I can't remember if you could see enough of Bryson. I'll try to look at it again tonight and maybe post it soon if it turned out okay.

Hope ya'll are having a wonderful weekend. The weather is absolutely gorgous here. Wish I could enjoy it instead of sleeping through it!!

1 comment :

  1. My church doesn't have singings (I don't think?). What are those?? It's too bad you had to work. :(


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