Saturday, October 6, 2012

31 Days series - being in the moment {day 6}

Today was somewhat of a depressing day at our house. Most of you that read my blog probably know that I'm a HUGE Auburn Tigers fan. And my husband is 10 times worse than I am. So needless to say our loss to Arkansas today put a damper on things. :( And can I go ahead and state for the record that Auburn is terrible when it comes to playing at 11am. I mean really, we're awful!!! I know that we're not THAT good enough to play during the "prime time" hours, but hey did you see how tough we played LSU? That was a night game. Somebody help this tiger girl fan out! Ha!!

But even though we didn't pull out the win I dressed my babies up for the game. Hey, I live in the South. If it's college football Saturday, then the boys are dressing up. :)

Jaxon sporting his sheshe made paw print bloomer set! I loved how this turned out. Ashley did a wonderful job!

I fought all morning with Bryson to wear his shirt. I wanted to get the boys pictures made in together, but it just wasn't going to happen. I'll admit that I was a little disappointed. I feel like they are growing up SO FAST and I want very much to bottle up this time with them. This time where I can get away with them wearing matching shirts and Bryson still being able to wear monogrammed things (I know that is drawing to a close and I'll probably be in mourning on the day it's over).

He finally came around after the game. He woke up from his nap and saw that little brother was wearing his, so he had to jump on the bandwagon too. 

Good moments or bad ones, one day when the boys are grown and off to college I'll wish I had this time back with them. Even if I didn't get that exact picture I wanted, I'm going to wish my babies were still this innocent.

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