Thursday, August 4, 2011

Two Year Check-Up

Oh my word, where do I begin. Today was probably our first BIG experience with the Terrible Two's. We've had countless meltdowns at home, but for the most part Bryson has always been great when we got out in public; that is until today.

I'm not going to lie, I was somewhat embarrassed of how Bryson acted. Especially when he pitched a fit getting onto the elevator (which he usually enjoys) and going down the hallway to the pediatricians office, but I do know that this is just a phase and I HOPE that he grows out of it soon.

Once we got in the room Ms. Adrienne gave him some stickers for being good while she got his weight and height.

Weight - 30 pounds (70th percentile
Height - 36 1/4 inches (95th percentile)

I had no idea he would be in the 95th percentile for his height. I have so many people tell me how tall he is, but I guess since I see him everyday I don't notice it as much.

Daddy on his phone. Probably on Twitter if I had to guess. Ha!

Can you tell the stickers didn't occupy his attention very long. He was definitely ready to get out of that room.

Thankfully I had these flash cards I downloaded a few months ago on my phone that he hasn't been interested in until today. It's so funny watching him play with our phones. Gone are the days when we used to play with Cabbage Patch Dolls, Micro Machines, Roller Racers, Lite Brite, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Where has the time gone???

Overall our check-up when great. Our pediatrician was pleased with where Bryson is at physically and reassured Clay and I that his behavior today was completely appropriate for his age. I can't believe we are now at the point where we only will go for yearly visits. For me, today was a huge milestone. It just solidifies that my baby isn't a baby anymore. I have to remind myself each day to make it a point to remember and soak in every ounce of what that day brings. Before I know it he will be going off to college and then getting married and having children of his own.


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