Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Bringing Up Boys" and Little Impressions

Well I finally finished up my first book of 2011 this week, Bringing Up Boys by Dr. James Dobson.

This was my first book to read by Dr. Dobson and I have to say he tells it to you straight. He left nothing out covering this topic. There were things he covered that I had not even thought of or considered when it came to raising a boy. Some of the facts he mentioned were a little scary. And I can't even begin to imagine what some of those facts would look like now, 10 years later. I want nothing more than to be the best parent I can be to Bryson. He has such a sweet spirit and his innocence at this age is so precious to me. This is a book I know that I will pick up again in the future. I recommend this book for any parent with an infant or teenage son. Oh, and just mentioning a few things from the book, Clay has put this on his list for his next book to read!!

I have been meaning to share this with ya'll for some time now. Last November one of the girls in my SS class hosted a Little Impressions Party. I'm not sure if ya'll have something like this in your towns, but it was alot of fun and the pottery turned out very cute.

I'll give you a quick run pick out a piece of pottery you want done. Then they will take your child's hand or foot, brush it with a paint color of your choice, and then stamp it on the pottery. Then she will make a picture out of it. I don't have a picture of the Christmas ornament I had done with Bryson's hand, but she turned it into a reindeer with his hands as the antlers. It turned out so precious. This cross is hanging in his room. I also had one done up for my mom as a Christmas gift. I think this is something I will do again this year for Christmas gifts for the grandmothers.

1 comment :

  1. I want to read that book!! Also, I highly recommend "Wild At Heart", it's a GREAT book about how God made boys and men TO BE wild!!!


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