Friday, March 26, 2010

So Long to the Party in the Back



Ya'll my baby had his first little haircut (trim) today and did such a good job! I can't believe how BIG he's getting. As you can tell from the first picture the mullet had to go. ha! It was getting a little out of hand. And you know this momma wasn't about to let her baby boy get his Easter pictures made with a party in the back. lol!

I really don't consider this his first real hair cut since he just had the back and some hair around his ears cut, but I still thought it was a big deal. So ya'll know that means LOTS of pictures were taken. Here are just a few...

This was right after we sat him up in the chair. I was so excited that my cousin Heather was able to give him his first little cut :)

There was a mirror right in front of the chair, so that's where I stood. I would tell him "look at that big boy sitting in the chair. Bryson is such a big boy getting his hair cut." And of course I teared up when she made the first cut. It was like he wasn't a baby anymore...he's becoming a little man!

He was so content the entire time. I was so proud of him. are the most handsome little boy I've ever seen. I love you very much!!!


  1. SO ADORABLE!! His hair was getting long, too cute!!

  2. Goodness - I can't believe how long his hair had gotten. He really looks like he was so calm during the haircut :) I'm a Proud Daddy and a Proud Granddaddy!
    Oh! I really like the new look you have on your site - it looks great! Enjoy your week off!
    Love to You, Clay and Bryson!

  3. I'm amazed that he sat there being so good. My boys screamed their heads off for at least a year before they realized they weren't going to get hurt!


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