Wednesday, March 17, 2010

In His Timing

Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Psalm 37:7

Not too long ago I asked if ya'll would pray for a new shift to come available at my job. By me swapping shifts I would be able to spend ALOT more time with Clay and Bryson and not miss out on family functions!

I am happy to tell ya'll that I am writing this post at 1:00am and I'm at WORK!!!! I started my new shift Monday night and I'm very excited. I couldn't believe that I would start the position this soon. This morning when I got home I was able to get Bryson up and give him his breakfast and just have some mommy and son time. And tonight before I left for work I was able to put him to bed and I can't explain to ya'll how excited and thrilled I was to have this opportunity to be at home during this time. Clay and I were also able to have some quality time with one another and I've cooked dinner for the second night in a row...ha!

So I just want to say a BIG "Thank You!!!" to ya'll that prayed for this opportunity for me. I don't know what I would do without the prayers of my friends and family. God has richly blessed me over the last year! His timing is perfect even if we have a hard time understanding His reasons for the plans He has for our lives. I've struggled so many times with trying to understand and question God's plan for my life...I just have to remember He knows what is best!!!


  1. Congrats girl!!! I know you are so excited to spend more time with your boys :)

    Praise the Lord!

  2. That is so exciting!! I am so happy that it all worked out!!

  3. Yay! Although I am sad I won't get to come over and meet you ... I am not at work b/w 11-7 :(
    Question... do you get to sleep during the day after you have been at work all night? I was just curious how that worked with a little one :)

  4. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise God for His PERFECT timing indeed =)


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