Wednesday, July 1, 2009

34 Weeks and No Picture:(

just a quick update!! so today i am 34 weeks! i can't believe how fast my pregnancy is flying by. i know it's been a while since i last posted, but i'm trying my hardest to get some last minute things accomplished before we get ready for this little bundle of joy to enter our lives.

i had my weekly appointment with the md today. not such great news :( during my non-stress test i started contracting and i was a fingertip dilated. of course my md sent me down to labor & delivery to try and stop the contractions. she got them under control and then told me the dreaded news. BED REST for the rest of the week and then i will come in for another blood pressure check and blood work on monday and if it's elevated i will continue to be on bed rest until 37 weeks or until our little guy decides to come on his own. PRAISE JESUS that He blessed me with a job where i work 7 on 7 off. this week is my week off and if all goes the way i plan (which is not always the case) next week will be my last week of work!! so if you don't mind say a little prayer for me this week that all goes well on monday and i will be able to finish out my last week as planned.

i promise to post my last week and this week's belly pics. but after being at the hospital for over 6 hours i was just too exhausted to have my picture taken, plus i have a new haircut and it just wasn't doing it's thing today. ladies you might know what i'm talking about!!


  1. :(! i'm sorry the haircut wasn't cooperating on top of the bed rest orders that's just not a good combo! hope to see you on your last week before the baby arrival!

  2. Ooo, I want to see the new haircut. Well even if bed rest isn't in your plan, enjoy bc once he gets here bed rest is non exisistent:) lol

  3. I will be praying!! Praying that sweet baby stays put for a little while longer, and that his Momma doesn't go crazy on bed rest =)
    kendra =)

  4. can't wait for that little boy to get here :) i also want to see your haircut!

  5. Bless your heart least he is still healthy and praise Jesus you've made it this far! I'll be praying!!!


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