Started out 2010 with the sweetest and cutest five month old. I can't even imagine him being that small now. Where does the time go?

We finished the month of January up with Bryson's baby dedication. I remember being a little emotional that day. For a long time I wondered if Clay and I would be able to stand up in front of our church and make a promise to our friends and family that we would raise our baby up believing and following the Lord.

Bryson got to see his first snow in February. I know he won't remember it...but I'll always have the pictures to prove it. ha!!

We celebrated Bryant's 1st birthday on 3/1. This was Bryson first birthday party :)

My baby came out with a head full of hair and never really lost it all. So we had his first haircut at age 8 months. And we haven't slowed down since. To date we have had 4 haircuts! Crazy!!!

Our first Easter as a family of three!

This is one of my favorite pictures of Bryson at 9 months. It's sooo his personality!

My first Mother's Day. Such a special day!

We had alot going on in the month of June...
Bryson's first time in the pool. I think he thought he was in a BIG bathtub. We had so much fun that day.

We celebrated the birth of my first nephew Owen. We were all very excited when we found out Jessica and Charlie were having a boy. We just new that Bryson and Owen would be best buddies when they got older.

Clay's first Father's Day! These two are inseparable. They really are like peas and carrots.

This is my favorite picture of me and Bryson. Bless his heart...can you tell he needs another haircut? ha!!

Celebrated 4th of July with LOTS of family and friends.

Our family on Bryson's first birthday!

This was another special day that I will never forget! I was excited to celebrate our little boy's birthday with all our family and close friends. My baby will always know he is loved by so many people.

In August we took our first family trip to the beach. Clay and I are hoping to make this something we do as a family every year.

I think this was the only time Bryson enjoyed himself in the sand. We spent ALOT of our vacation by the pool!

In September Aunt Erica married Uncle Seth. I didn't have a good picture of Bryson in his tux's, but he looked so adorable.

At 14 months Bryson started taking his first steps. I can't believe I was able to get it on camera. And of course he has been no stop ever since.

We spent alot of our time reading this year. Bryson loves trying to read to you and always asking people "wanna read?"

Bryson's first time to experience a high school football game. I don't think I have ever laughed that hard as I did that night over my son. As you can see in this picture he took it upon himself to direct the band from where we were sitting. ha!

Had our first boy-girl dinner date with my friend Michelle's daughter, Avery. This little girl is absolutely precious. I just love her and her mom!

Had our first trip to the Pumpkin Patch!

Another sweet picture of my baby in his Halloween costume.

Another thing we have been working on this year is learning to brushing our teeth. It's been a challenge to say the least.

Us on Thanksgiving. This is the start to my favorite time of the year. I love being around our families and all the good food. ha!

This was our second year visiting with Santa. I really couldn't believe how well Bryson did this year.

Bryson got his first boo-boo one week before Christmas.

We had a very Merry Christmas!
We have been very blessed this year! I can't believe how fast this year has flown by. The saying is true...time flies as you get older. Life these days seems so fast paced. I hope in 2011 I can learn to slow down. I want to remember every moment good and bad. I hope and pray you and your families had a wonderful 2010 and have a blessed 2011!
***I know I haven't posted anything on our Christmas. I left my camera at my parent's house and just got it back. I will try and post as soon as a I can***

Awwwwwwww, I love your timeline of your year. Bryson is surely transitioning into a handsome little toddler. You have such a beautiful life. I hope you have a wonderful 2011, friend. :)
ReplyDeleteI am so jealous of how much you blog! I love reading about Bryson and seeing him grow since I don't get to work with you anymore! He is adorable!!! Hopefully, I can step up my game when it comes to blogging, but your "year in review" was a great idea. I hope you don't mind that I borrowed your idea because it's the only way I felt like I could catch up on what I had neglected! Keep on bloggin!