Yesterday, right at the tale end of our Sunday School lesson, Clay taps me on the shoulder and tells me "go get Bryson!" I looked at him and said "what?"...not really sure what he's meaning until I see he has the phone to his ear. And then it hits me, something happened. Clay looked at me again and said "go get Bryson...he fell!" I immediately get up and as quietly and as quickly as I can I slip out the back door and head to the nursery.
The whole time I was telling myself that is was probably nothing...he just slipped and fell and bumped his forehead. "It's probably nothing!" Well...I'm about 150 or 200 feet away from his room and hear blood curling screams. The lady at the counter asked me if I was Mrs. Wolford. I tell her I am and she proceeds to tell me that Bryson fell and they couldn't get him to stop crying. When I get to the door, he was pale as a ghost and has some blood coming from the corner of his eye.
I will admit I didn't expect to see the blood, kinda threw me off. And at that moment I just wanted to hold him and let him know his momma was here and that he was going to be okay. I assured the ladies that I thought he was fine because I didn't want them to think I was upset in any way. Kids fall all the time and accidents happen. It was just a matter of time before it was my baby.
This was on the day that it happened. I have to be honest and tell ya'll that I was a little scared when I first saw how close it was to his eye. Oh, and when I told you that the blood kinda threw me off, I wasn't lying. I completely forgot to ask how it happened. I didn't get ANY details other than he fell and that he was so upset. Trust me when I tell you that I felt like a horrible mother for not asking questions and my husband wasn't too happy with me either for my lack of the major details.
These next three pictures are from this morning.
When he woke up this morning it was a little more swollen than yesterday, which was to be expected. He doesn't seemed bothered by it. But every time I see it, it just breaks my heart.
I'm sure we will have some pretty pictures for Christmas. Ha! And it will make for some wonderful memories later on!
bless his little heart!!
ReplyDeleteYou may have not thought to ask how it happened, but you are a nurse and your instincts were in control =) Bryson was in DOUBLING good hands - Momma AND a nurse!!!
awww :(! kids always do things like that before big family holidays :) one of my sisters cut all of her bangs off...not an injury but she didnt look cute or any pics :)..glad he is ok thats soooo close to his eye
ReplyDeleteIt's never easy to see your child (or grandchild) with an injury and it does not get any easier with time. It still bothers me when you or your brother are hurt or sick. When I read what you wrote about Bryson holding his breath, I thought exactly the same thing your Momma did - just like you used to do when you were little. You would hold your breath until you started to turn blue. We would have to blow in your face to get you to catch your breath again!! You used to scare us to death :) We also used to call you Tuffy as you got over your injuries very quickly - hope Bryson inherited that from you as well.
ReplyDeleteLove to All and give Bryson an extra hug and kiss from Grandpa!
Poor thing, just as hard on mama as him!