My mom fixed a wonderful lunch! We had my favorite ham and cheese sandwiches on croissants with this sweet mustard poppyseed dressing...can you say "YUMMY!" They are delicious and you can even freeze them and have them later on in the year. We also had baked beans, potato salad, rotel and chips, and veg-all casserole.
Paw-paw and Bryson
All the grandkids with their paw-paw
I think Bryson thought it was his birthday. Ha! When my mom brought out the cake Bryson was immediately asking for a bite!
I just had to post this picture. This was after we sang "Happy Birthday!" I thought it was so precious!!
After lunch we all went into the living room and watched VeggieTales! I guess whatever the baby wants the baby gets. ha!
Bryson claps after every song. And if the rest of us aren't clapping too he will look around the room and give you this look like "y'all better start clapping!"
I think Santa might be bringing VeggieTales to the W home this year. We only have 3 of their dvd's and they are getting to wear on me and daddy. ha!
Aunt Jennifer showing Bryson Madison's scarf. He was mesmerized at all the sparkles.
Bryson with his Aunt Michele.
I'm ready for her and my brother to have a little one, but I think it might be awhile.
I think Santa might be bringing VeggieTales to the W home this year. We only have 3 of their dvd's and they are getting to wear on me and daddy. ha!
I'm ready for her and my brother to have a little one, but I think it might be awhile.
It was great getting together with the family and celebrating my dad's birthday! I just love this time of year and being with the people you love and love you. Hope y'all are having a wonderful Christmas Season!
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