We started out this morning at Clay's grandparent's house for breakfast. Since Clay and I have been together I have always enjoyed Christmas Eve mornings. We always have lots of breakfast food and we eat til we are sick to our tummy's. Casseroles, eggs, biscuits, bacon...I'm getting hungry again just thinking about it. ha!

Me and my man!

Bryson and Bryant. They were so cute eating in their chairs together. Of course my baby only wanted to eat the strawberry muffins. Bryant is such a better eater than Bryson. We was eating tomatoes and biscuits and gravy. I wish Bryson had those eating habits.

Clay's cousin Casey and his wife Carol

Nikki and Matt

Uncle Steve and Grandmother

The two boys were sitting on the window seal calling for Dixie...that's the next door neighbors dog. It was the cutest thing! Ya'll should have seen all of us with our camera's out taking pictures of them. Bryson loves when Pop takes him outside so he can see Dixie!

Aunt Sherry, Uncle Carl, Bryant, and Haley

Bryant opening his presents

Bryson tearing into his :)

He was so excited about this Elmo umbrella! He would carry it around like it was his can...hilarious!

Bryson was so excited about his Handy Manny. This one was actually for Bryant...he got two of them and Bryson started pitching a fit wanting to know where his was. Luckily Mimi had his out in the car, so they let Bryson have one of Bryant's.

I thought this picture was just adorable! Can ya'll tell he really like Handy Manny?

Keff and Danielle

Grandmother and Pop.
I say this alot, but I don't know what I would do without these two wonderful people. They have helped Clay and I so much with Bryson since Clay has been in school. We love them very much:)

Later this afternoon, Mimi can over and we celebrated Christmas with her. She got Bryson the Leap Frog Learn and Groove Music Table. I think I was more excited about the gift that Bryson. ha! But I think it's something he will enjoy.
Hope ya'll are having a wonderful Christmas Eve. Think I'm going to try and catch a nap before we head out to my Aunt's for dinner.

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