Not a whole lot as been going on the last several days...hence the lack my blogging. ha! I hope ya'll had a wonderful New Year's! It was a quiet day at our house on New Year's Day. Bryson has been under the weather since before Christmas and we can't seem to kick it in the bucket, so I haven't taken any pictures of him lately (to all the grandparents, I apologize). I will post some as soon as I can!
I started my work week back on Monday and we have been quite busy for night shift. But during these times where so many people have been laid off and out of work I am SO thankful and blessed to have such a wonderful job. My co-workers are great and I love what I do :) Helping children has to be one of the most rewarding jobs!
Sunday, Clay and I got to get out and go to the movies and to dinner. We saw True Grit.

I'm not that into westerns, but my friend Katie said she enjoyed it, so I thought I would be strong for my husband and go see it with him (since he's been dying to see it). Ha! I will admit that I really enjoyed it. Jeff Bridges has become one of mine and Clay's favorite actors. We recently saw him and Maggie Gyllenhaal in Crazy Heart. That was also another good movie.
With a new year beginning there comes a new start. There were alot of things in 2010 that I wish I could go back and change. I wish I would have been more involved in our church and Sunday School class, I wish I would have been a better wife and mother...I could go on and on. So with a new year starting I really want to improve in 2011.
I am so excited that our Sunday School class is starting Love & Respect.

Our class has done this study once before, and I am so glad we are getting the chance to do it all over again. I think Clay and I will really benefit from this book and IMPROVE our marriage.
For Christmas my mother-in-law bought me the book Bringing Up Boys by Dr. James Dobson. I was sooo excited to get it!

I have been wanting to read this book for some time now and I have several friends who have boys and have raved about this book. I can't wait to get started!
I also bought several other books for myself...

You can't go wrong with the Pioneer Woman's Cookbook! I'm hoping this will IMPROVE my cooking since I've kinda' veered away from it.
This book was actually on clearance on the Barnes&Nobles website.

I haven't read anything yet by Lisa Whelchel. This book had some great reviews and to be honest I need a little encouragement in the mommy area. I think over the last 17 months I have put alot of pressure on myself to be the best mother for Bryson. I have that Type A personality, so I am extremely hard on myself. This is another book I can't wait to start.
There are alot of things that I want to accomplish this year, mainly within myself. In my last
post I said that I really wanted to slow things down...and believe me I do. But I hope that I can find that balance and make 2011 one of my better years!

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