are EIGHTEEN months today!
I can't believe you are a year and a half old!
what have you been up to these days???
You weigh around 27 pounds. We'll find out your exact weight next Friday for you check-up. You are still in size 4 diapers and can wear a few 18 month clothes but you are mostly in 24months to 2T.
You love feeding yourself with a fork and spoon now. Sometimes you can make a complete mess - but you are getting better and better. I'm still not sure if you're going to be left or right use them both.

You are down to 1 nap during the day - it's usually in the afternoons. You will sleep for about 1 to 2 hours.
Your bedtime has gotten a little later over the last month. You go to bed around 8pm or 8:30 and wake up at 7:30am or 8. There were several times over the last few weeks that you have gotten up for 1-3 hours during the night - but hopefully that will not be a permanent thing. ha!
You are borderline obsessed with VeggieTales. We watch it at least 3-4 times a day. Your favorite is the sing-a-longs. There is one song that has the word "peas" in it and EVERY time it gets to that part in the song you yell out "PEAS!!!" It's one of my favorite things you do right now.
You love to feed me and your daddy. You will look at one of us and say "bite?" And then come up to the other one and ask us "bite?" Your daddy thinks it's so funny!

You ABSOLUTELY LOVE playing with puzzles! And you are very good at putting them together. I really can't believe how good you are at putting them together. You will sit on the floor or in my lap and put it together over and over again. Right now the sound puzzle you are playing with in the picture is your favorite.
You can point to your body parts (your nose, mouth, ears, and eyes).
You aren't into me rocking you to sleep at night anymore - which I'm having a hard time getting used to. But if we are out in public you will let me hold you ALL the time!
You still enjoy bath time. You like to streak around the bathroom before I put you in the tub and if the door isn't shut you will go over and close it.

You love playing, watching, and listening to music. You have started playing the piano on your music table that Mimi bought you for Christmas. I hope that you will want to continue playing the piano or maybe the guitar like your daddy did when you get older.
Your vocabulary is growing! You can say, "da-da," "momma," "ball," "hi," "bye-bye," "cracker," "milk," "up," "no-no," "dog," "cat," and "cookie" (which is a vanilla wafer). You know the animal sounds a cow, horse, sheep, and lion make. I want to start teaching you a few signs - maybe you will be able to communicate a little more.

You like to help clean up your toys! Woo-hoo! You will put them up one at a time - it's really cute:-)
Every night before bedtime you brush your teeth, we say your prayers, and then you give me and daddy a kiss goodnight. It's another one of my favorite times with you!

I can't believe how FAST you are growing up. You will be two in 6 months! You are a wonderful and special little boy. I love you so much!!
I can't believe you are a year and a half old!
what have you been up to these days???
You weigh around 27 pounds. We'll find out your exact weight next Friday for you check-up. You are still in size 4 diapers and can wear a few 18 month clothes but you are mostly in 24months to 2T.
You love feeding yourself with a fork and spoon now. Sometimes you can make a complete mess - but you are getting better and better. I'm still not sure if you're going to be left or right use them both.
You are down to 1 nap during the day - it's usually in the afternoons. You will sleep for about 1 to 2 hours.
Your bedtime has gotten a little later over the last month. You go to bed around 8pm or 8:30 and wake up at 7:30am or 8. There were several times over the last few weeks that you have gotten up for 1-3 hours during the night - but hopefully that will not be a permanent thing. ha!
You are borderline obsessed with VeggieTales. We watch it at least 3-4 times a day. Your favorite is the sing-a-longs. There is one song that has the word "peas" in it and EVERY time it gets to that part in the song you yell out "PEAS!!!" It's one of my favorite things you do right now.
You love to feed me and your daddy. You will look at one of us and say "bite?" And then come up to the other one and ask us "bite?" Your daddy thinks it's so funny!
You ABSOLUTELY LOVE playing with puzzles! And you are very good at putting them together. I really can't believe how good you are at putting them together. You will sit on the floor or in my lap and put it together over and over again. Right now the sound puzzle you are playing with in the picture is your favorite.
You can point to your body parts (your nose, mouth, ears, and eyes).
You aren't into me rocking you to sleep at night anymore - which I'm having a hard time getting used to. But if we are out in public you will let me hold you ALL the time!
You still enjoy bath time. You like to streak around the bathroom before I put you in the tub and if the door isn't shut you will go over and close it.
You love playing, watching, and listening to music. You have started playing the piano on your music table that Mimi bought you for Christmas. I hope that you will want to continue playing the piano or maybe the guitar like your daddy did when you get older.
Your vocabulary is growing! You can say, "da-da," "momma," "ball," "hi," "bye-bye," "cracker," "milk," "up," "no-no," "dog," "cat," and "cookie" (which is a vanilla wafer). You know the animal sounds a cow, horse, sheep, and lion make. I want to start teaching you a few signs - maybe you will be able to communicate a little more.
You like to help clean up your toys! Woo-hoo! You will put them up one at a time - it's really cute:-)
Every night before bedtime you brush your teeth, we say your prayers, and then you give me and daddy a kiss goodnight. It's another one of my favorite times with you!

I can't believe how FAST you are growing up. You will be two in 6 months! You are a wonderful and special little boy. I love you so much!!
Reading this post made my heart smile. What a beautiful boy you have. Such a blessed life you live. That we both live! :)