Well we had Bryson's 18 month check up today. He is developmentally right on track and he's doing great! He has a little from his last check up and I want to write them down so I can remember them:
Weight - 26lbs 10oz - 75%
Height - 33inches - 75%
Dr. G was happy where Bryson was at and we were too. We are just very blessed and thankful to have a healthy baby!

I had a few questions for the doctor today. One was the possibility of Bryson going through the "terrible two's" EARLY. Yes I said early! Of course she confirmed my suspicions and said everything I told her was normal for Bryson's age. I have to tell ya'll I was somewhat thrilled that my child wasn't going crazy and completely out of control. Ha!

My other question was about the passy or "pappy" as we call it at our house. When would be the best time to take it away and figuring out how to go about it. Dr. G gave me some helpful ideas on how to wean him off and my goal is by his second birthday. I only have six months, but we can do it!

I about fell out when she told us we wouldn't be back until his second birthday. Oh my goodness...I can't believe that is even possible. My baby will be TWO in six months!!!

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