We've had quite a busy weekend at the W house. My dad came in from Texas on Thursday and spent a few days with us, we spent the day at the pumpkin patch on Friday, and Saturday...well y'all know what we do on Saturdays...football baby! haha!!! And Aunt "Ge-ca" (Erica) and Uncle Seth came down from Tennessee to visit on Saturday too. I normally like just hanging out around the house in my pj's and relaxing, getting mentally ready to start back to work, ha! But it was nice having the family around to spend time with!
My step-mom didn't get to visit on this trip, but she had my dad bring Bryson this adorable pumpkin she painted. She painted on for us and for my brother and his wife. Isn't it UBER cute? She painted ours with just two teeth because the last time she saw Bryson he only had two teeth!
Bryson was going to make sure grandpa got his reading time in too! He loves for you to read to him and loves to turn the pages. After you get finished with one he's got another right behind it for you to start on. I really hope Bryson loves to read! I can't tell y'all how much I love it when he brings me a book and then puts his arms up for me to sit him in my lap. Melts my heart!
trip to the pumpkin patch on Friday was a blast! I was thrilled that my dad was able to get to go with us. He and my step-mom only get to visit about every three months, so I was glad that we had waited kinda' late in the season to go. We had alot of fun!
My dad had to leave on Saturday. I know he was sad to go, but while he was here we did purchase a webcam for our computer. Me might not be able to use it alot with Bryson still being a little too young, but eventually I think it will be great to have. Dad, Amy, and Bryson will be able to talk to each other and I fell like it won't be like they miss out on as much. It was great having him here this weekend. I always seem to get alot of things accomplished when they are in town. ha!
After my dad left, we headed over to my in-laws house for our annual pumpkin carving. Oh and did I mention Aunt Ge-ca and Uncle Seth were going to be there. It's been over a month since we had seen them and every time Bryson sees a picture of Erica he points at it and says "Ge-ca" "Ge-ca!"
Two peas in a pod!
Erica was having so much fun with Owen and Bryson. She loves her two nephews! They are both sweet sweet boys. Owen is getting so big and rolling all over the place. I can't wait to see them in action on Christmas!!!

Can y'all tell Auburn won in this picture? ha!!! We are one rowdy bunch! I always have so much fun watching the Auburn games with my in-laws.

I forgot to take pictures of all the girls carving pumpkins. But this is the one I did. Erica brought these cute little pumpkins for Bryson and Own. I am no artist by no stretch of the means, so Nana drew up the design and I just carved it out. It turned out cute! I wished there was some way I could keep it without it shriveling up.
Hope y'all are having a wonderful Sunday. The weather has been beautiful here. But I hear rain is in the forecast. Love the rainy days on my week to work :)

I can't believe how big he is getting!! Looks like he had fun with all the visitors!
ReplyDeleteThanks again for everything, I sure had a great visit. You were right when you said I hated to leave, it sure is hard leaving my Kids and my Grandson behind and then having to drive for 10 or 11 hours thinking about it but I know that my Kids are doing great and my Grandson is being raised by a loving set of Parents and cared for by a large and loving extended Family :) I Love You All and just adore the "Little Man"!! Have a good week at work.
Love to You, Clay and Bryson.
Dad a.k.a. Grandpa