We finally got to take Bryson to the Pumpkin Patch. I've been waiting for today since it opened in late September! I feel like it kinda' starts off the fall season (even though we're a little late). HA! My dad is here through Saturday, so he was able to go with us. He took some great pictures! I was soooo glad that he got to come so I could enjoy this day and not worry about taking pictures :)
Bryson LOVED the petting zoo! Of course his favorite was the cow. He would look at it and say "moooooo!" He loves cows. I wished I would have gotten him a cow costume for Halloween instead of the lion. Oh well! There's always next year!!
I don't think Bryson had a clue what to do with all those pumpkins. He would sit by a few then get up and find some other ones he liked.
He finally picked out his favorite! Bless his heart, he was trying so hard to pick it up all by himself.
Our little Family
Bryson was so sweet on the hayride. He such a little people watcher. Always observing others around him.
My two favorite boys!
I just had to put this picture in here so y'all could see how cute his
longall turned out. I could not have been more pleased with how it looks. She has a scarecrow that I think I'm going to order for next year!
We had such a fun time! I can't wait to go back next year. Even though Bryson wasn't able to do alot, I think he still had fun and I enjoyed getting him out. Anytime that I get to spend with my two boys is a blessing! I am so thankful for my job that allows me to spend every other week at home. I wouldn't trade my life for anything!!!

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