Monday, October 4, 2010

Halloween Prep

When I got in my car this morning this is what I saw...

I think fall is here to stay for awhile and I am uber excited! I saw the 7 day weather planner this morning on one of our local news stations and this week is going to be perfect. No rain and highs in the 70's to 80's!! What a great way to start off week off.

Last year I opted not to dress Bryson up for halloween. Mainly because he was only 3 months old and I was still working evening shift. Looking back I wished I would have done something. When I was searching for this year's costume I saw sooo many cute and adorable things I could have put him in last year. For years, I always said that if I ever had a baby around halloween I would dress them up as a bumble bee. Bryson would have been so stickin' cute as a little bee :)

So for Bryson's "first" halloween to dress up I wanted him to dress up like an animal. Tom Arma has some of the cutest costumes I have ever seen, but he's a little pricey. I loved his monkey costume for this year and it was between the monkey and the lion that I found.

Are those costumes not adorable?? My baby's sweet, round, chubby face would be precious in either of these outfits! ha!! Of course I had to get Mary's opinion on which one she liked. At first we both decided on the monkey. But after a closer look we noticed something that looked like an extra toe on it's foot and that kinda' freaked us out. It doesn't look that bad in this picture, but when we saw the outfit on ebay it looked hideous and a little scary. So after that I decided on the lion.

When I received the costume in the mail a few weeks later, all of a sudden I realized "what in the world was I thinking getting him something he has to put on his head"??? I guess the adorableness (is that even a word?) of the costume was overtaking my motherly judgement and I was afraid I had just spent money on something Bryson would never keep on.


I've been training the little guy for the last few weeks. Aren't I a horrible mother? Ha!!! But hey, it's working. Once I get it on him we all clap and get excited and tell him what a big boy he is and then he starts clapping and smiling. Y'all I could just eat up that chubby face! I've got a few more weeks to prep. Hopefully we won't have a complete meltdown on the big day :)

Happy Monday Y'all!


  1. OOOOOH MY GOSH!!!! LOVE THE LION COSTUME. Ella was a lion when she was 1 month old and it was the cutest thing. Oh, and what are you doing driving almost 60 mph and taking a picture??? HUH??? :) Just giving you a hard time, but seriously... :)

  2. SOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!! I could just eat him up!


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