You are fifteen months old today!
So what have you been up too these days?
You weigh 25 pounds, are 32 inches long, wear a size 4 diaper, size 18 month clothes, and size 5.5 shoe.
So what have you been up too these days?
You weigh 25 pounds, are 32 inches long, wear a size 4 diaper, size 18 month clothes, and size 5.5 shoe.
Your favorite thing to get into is the garbage can. It's in the kitchen and easily accessible, so it looks like I'll be trying to find a new place for it. I think you like it so much because you can see yourself when you look at it. You love to point at it and say "baby!"
Your favorite toy is my cellphone. I keep it on the coffee table in the living room and everyday you go and pick it up and put it up to your ear several times during the day. You like to put it up to my ear and hear me talk too. Just the other day you found my calculator in my purse and you have been using it as cellphone too.
You love going into rooms and shutting the door. You like it when we sneak up on you and play peek-a-boo behind the door. You will just giggle and giggle!
You LOVE books! You like for mommy and daddy to read to you ALL the time.
You like just about anything we put on your tray. I call you our human garbage disposal. ha!
You have started saying "momma" when you see me. It melts my heart! You will point your finger at me and say "momma!" Oh, I could just eat you up!!!
You are such a strong willed little boy. These last few months have not been the easiest. You have started throwing fits and love to poke your lip out as far as it will go and cry those crocodile tears when you don't get your way - and sometimes I just secretly have to laugh! You have a temper - that's for sure. But as hard as it may be right now - I hope that in the future you stay that strong willed!
I love you so much!
I love how you write about what he's into, his personality traits, his dislikes, his measurements, etc.! So soon they will be forgotten, so documenting them is so important! He sounds like such a happy, curious, sweet little boy (not to mention flippin' cute!). What a special little man you're raising. :)