We decided that a dinner date would be best for their first time to meet. So last Wednesday we got together for dinner at Chuy's. It's a new Mexican restaurant at the Summit and it was soooo good! I would literally eat Mexican food everyday if I could!
They were so sweet sharing each other's food. Avery would give Bryson some of her chicken nuggets and B would give her some of his cheese quesadilla.
Aren't they just the two cutest little things you have ever seen? Michelle kept telling me that Bryson needed to give Avery some tips on eating. He is such a HAM!
Michelle was brave enough to let Avery try out the push up. It took her a minute to figure it out, but once she got the hang of it you couldn't pry it out of her hands.
There was a waterfall outside the restaurant that the kids went banana's over!
And here it is...Bryson's first kiss! Y'all I have got to teach him that girls don't like open mouth kisses :) Ha! It was so sweet and I just adore Avery. Who knows maybe this is B's future wife (just kidding Michelle), but you know I would love to have y'all apart of our family!
I can't wait to get together again! The kids and just so sweet and I really like that Bryson is spending time with other kids besides going to the nursery on Sunday's. I think next time we are going to try to take them to the park. With them both being so active and running all over the place, it would be an ideal place.
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