Have y'all ever seen the Lion King?
Well here is the miniature version of King Mufasa! Y'all we had so much fun tonight with Bryson. He was amazingly good with his costume on.
Our neighbor across the street let us come to their house a little early so that my mom could see Bryson trick or treat. I don't think he realized at first why he was all dressed up.
But y'all can see when Ms. Christy put candy in his bucket he was realizing what was happening :)
I've been trying to teach him how to roar like a lion for months. As you can see he wasn't getting into the character.
Our little family
Me, Bryson, and Grandmaw.
I was so excited that my mom was able to come and see Bryson before leaving to work the fall festival at my old church.
And I had to post a picture of the back of his costume. The red ribbon on the end was supposed to be tied in a bow, but Bryson kept stepping on it.
We took Bryson to several of our neighbor's houses in the neighborhood and then went to my in-laws neighborhood and trick or treated some over there. I tried not to keep him out to long. The weather has cooled off alot here, and I would hate it for Bryson to get sick.
We had the best time tonight! Bryson wasn't into the costume at the beginning, but once he started getting all that candy in his bucket, we couldn't get him out of that costume. I think he had it on for about 2-3 hours. So I definitely got my moneys worth. I wouldn't be surprised if he wants to put it on again tomorrow. ha!
I was so excited that my mom was able to come and see Bryson before leaving to work the fall festival at my old church.
We took Bryson to several of our neighbor's houses in the neighborhood and then went to my in-laws neighborhood and trick or treated some over there. I tried not to keep him out to long. The weather has cooled off alot here, and I would hate it for Bryson to get sick.
We had the best time tonight! Bryson wasn't into the costume at the beginning, but once he started getting all that candy in his bucket, we couldn't get him out of that costume. I think he had it on for about 2-3 hours. So I definitely got my moneys worth. I wouldn't be surprised if he wants to put it on again tomorrow. ha!