Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween 2011 and the Pumpkin that Started it All

I have been really looking forward to Halloween this year! Bryson has been wearing his costume around the house almost every week and seemed excited about dressing up. Alot different from last year. I hated that I wasn't able to go, but Clay and Bryson had the best time!

Our friends Drew and Sheri were so sweet to ask the boys to come over to their neighborhood and go out trick or treating with them and Elaina. When I asked Bryson if he wanted to go trick or treating with Elaina he said "Okay Momma! Go with Elaina." He adores her!

I've said this a hundred times, but I'll say it again, I hope and pray these two precious little angels stay close friends forever.

I just LOVE this picture!

After trick or treating with Elaina, Clay brought Bryson back home and stopped by a few houses in our neighborhood. And then they were off to visit Oweeee (that's Bryson's name for Owen) over at Nana and Pawpaw's.

Clay said Owen looked so cute in his monkey costume.
I can't believe how big these boys are getting! Can y'all tell Bryson was ready to get into his candy? Ha! There's a funny story that goes along with that too....Bryson was sitting in the floor going through his candy and everybody was ready to go out trick or treating. I guess Bryson was fine with the candy in his bucket, but Pawpaw and Nana wanted to take him and Owen to a few houses around their neighborhood. They were trying to get him to go and he was telling them "No!" Finally Clay told him, "hey Bryson, do you want to go and get more candy?" And Bryson told Clay "Okay!" and jumped up and was out the door before anyone else. Oh, that child of mine!

I couldn't believe the amount of candy that child came home with. Of course Clay and I went through his stash and picked out what we liked and what Bryson could have. Yes, we are those parents! Ha!!!

And for fun, I thought I would take a picture and show y'all the pumpkin Gigi bought for Bryson that started his love for pumpkins.

Isn't it cute?

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