Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 19 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby W is the size of a large tomato
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 3 pound!
Maternity Clothes: This weeks it's been all scrubs (due to my work week)! They are so comfortable right now :)
Gender: It's a BOY!
Movement: He's been pretty quiet again this week. Some days that makes me nervous, I think because Bryson was so active very early on. Maybe this is a sign of a much more timid child. Ha!!
Sleep: Not so good this week, but that's mainly due to me working.
What I miss: Same as last week...just being to eat. Nothing ever sounds good. Hoping that changes soon.
Cravings: Anything savory. Thank goodness for Thanksgiving food! I gained 2 pounds during this short holiday!
Symptoms: I think they are gone :)
Best Moment this week: Enjoying the Thanksgiving holiday with our families and realizing that next year we will have TWO little boys to celebrate with!!!

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