I can't believe it's been almost a year since I've done "a day in the life" post. The last post I did was on my week off, so this time I thought I would do one on my week to work. I love writing these kinds of posts because I can look back and see what our life was like during that time. Ya'll can completely skip over this post. It will probably be boring to most of you. Ha!

I usually leave work sometime around 7:15-7:30am and get home around 8am. Today I left a little earlier because on Tuesdays Clay has to leave for school first thing in the morning.

On these days I will get Bryson up and get him ready to go to my parents house. Ya'll can see by this picture that I will let Bryson stay in his pj's. And I know I've said this a million times, but Clay and I are so blessed to have our families close by to see about Bryson. We are extremely lucky! I don't know what I would do without any of them!!

Of course he immediately goes straight over to where his toys are and starts dragging out everything he can. Typical little boy! He'll usually ask my mom or dad if he can watch "Veggietales, Finding Nemo or Toy Story." Those are the ones on rotation this month. Ha!!

Breakfast has always been my favorite meal of the day. Ya'll I could literally eat it for every meal. Since I've gotten pregnant I don't have much of an appetite except for in the morning. Whether it's my week to work or my week off. So today I stopped by Hardee's and grabbed a biscuit and gravy to take to the house.
Once I get home if it's not too late I'll watch a show on the DVR. I'll start the dishwasher or the washing machine and then get my shower and try and get as much sleep as possible. These days it's not very much, especially on my work week. I will usually fall asleep around 9:30 or 10.
Naturally I woke up at 3:30pm and laid there for-ev-er and could NOT go back to sleep. So I sent Clay a text to pick us up something to eat for dinner and went and picked up Bryson.
When I went to pick Bryson up he was in the living room dancing to the Veggietales. I thought I had taken a picture of it, but I can't seem to find it. It was so funny!! He was singing the "Belly Button" song and swaying back and forth with his hands over his head. This is such a fun age!!!

We got home around 5:30pm. Clay was there and we had Firehouse for dinner. It's a sandwich place Clay and I found a few years ago and love it. They just built one about 15 minutes from us. Do ya'll see all the stuff this child is carrying? I think he picked up everyone of his toys to take over to see Pawpaw and Nana.

A lot of Tuesday nights Clay will take Bryson over to see his dad and step mom. This way I can go and lay back down or do a couple of things around the house.

Tonight was one of those nights that I really wanted to go and lay back down, but I have this mound of laundry that I needed to start on. These days I can't seem to stay caught up on the laundry.

Clay has the next 3 days off from school and basketball practice so he and Bryson got to spend some time together when they got back from Pawpaw's. Bryson is so excited to have his daddy around to play with! I just hate that it's my week to work and I have to spend most of my time getting as much rest as I can.

Clay is always sweet to give Bryson his bath. Tonight he was in the tub for a good 45 minutes. He loves bath time.
Around 8:30pm we will put Bryson to bed. This is something Clay and I always do together as a family. With him in school and our crazy schedules we always try and make time for this. We swap up reading and rocking (the rocking is only if Bryson is in the mood) and for the first time in months, Bryson asked me to rock him and fell asleep while we rocked. Ya'll know I ate up every minute.
A little after 9pm I went and tried to lay back down for a few more minutes. Sometimes I will lay on the couch and watch something on the DVR with Clay, but the last few weeks all I've wanted to do is sleep. I think night shift is getting to me. I've been doing it for almost 5 years and it's beginning to wear on me. I hope to one day decrease the number of days I work after Clay graduates.
I finally rolled out of the bed around 10pm and got ready for work.

This is what I get to see when I walk into the lobby. They've had it decorated since the beginning of November with all the Christmas tress. One of the many reasons I love working at a Children's Hospital!!

So that's what life is like for me just about every other Tuesday. Sorry to bore you will all the random pictures and details of my day. But this will also remind me what life was like before two kids! Ha!! I seriously can't wait to meet our newest addition. And I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for my family in the years to come.
I usually leave work sometime around 7:15-7:30am and get home around 8am. Today I left a little earlier because on Tuesdays Clay has to leave for school first thing in the morning.
On these days I will get Bryson up and get him ready to go to my parents house. Ya'll can see by this picture that I will let Bryson stay in his pj's. And I know I've said this a million times, but Clay and I are so blessed to have our families close by to see about Bryson. We are extremely lucky! I don't know what I would do without any of them!!
Of course he immediately goes straight over to where his toys are and starts dragging out everything he can. Typical little boy! He'll usually ask my mom or dad if he can watch "Veggietales, Finding Nemo or Toy Story." Those are the ones on rotation this month. Ha!!
Breakfast has always been my favorite meal of the day. Ya'll I could literally eat it for every meal. Since I've gotten pregnant I don't have much of an appetite except for in the morning. Whether it's my week to work or my week off. So today I stopped by Hardee's and grabbed a biscuit and gravy to take to the house.
Once I get home if it's not too late I'll watch a show on the DVR. I'll start the dishwasher or the washing machine and then get my shower and try and get as much sleep as possible. These days it's not very much, especially on my work week. I will usually fall asleep around 9:30 or 10.
Naturally I woke up at 3:30pm and laid there for-ev-er and could NOT go back to sleep. So I sent Clay a text to pick us up something to eat for dinner and went and picked up Bryson.
When I went to pick Bryson up he was in the living room dancing to the Veggietales. I thought I had taken a picture of it, but I can't seem to find it. It was so funny!! He was singing the "Belly Button" song and swaying back and forth with his hands over his head. This is such a fun age!!!
We got home around 5:30pm. Clay was there and we had Firehouse for dinner. It's a sandwich place Clay and I found a few years ago and love it. They just built one about 15 minutes from us. Do ya'll see all the stuff this child is carrying? I think he picked up everyone of his toys to take over to see Pawpaw and Nana.
A lot of Tuesday nights Clay will take Bryson over to see his dad and step mom. This way I can go and lay back down or do a couple of things around the house.
Tonight was one of those nights that I really wanted to go and lay back down, but I have this mound of laundry that I needed to start on. These days I can't seem to stay caught up on the laundry.
Clay has the next 3 days off from school and basketball practice so he and Bryson got to spend some time together when they got back from Pawpaw's. Bryson is so excited to have his daddy around to play with! I just hate that it's my week to work and I have to spend most of my time getting as much rest as I can.
Clay is always sweet to give Bryson his bath. Tonight he was in the tub for a good 45 minutes. He loves bath time.
Around 8:30pm we will put Bryson to bed. This is something Clay and I always do together as a family. With him in school and our crazy schedules we always try and make time for this. We swap up reading and rocking (the rocking is only if Bryson is in the mood) and for the first time in months, Bryson asked me to rock him and fell asleep while we rocked. Ya'll know I ate up every minute.
A little after 9pm I went and tried to lay back down for a few more minutes. Sometimes I will lay on the couch and watch something on the DVR with Clay, but the last few weeks all I've wanted to do is sleep. I think night shift is getting to me. I've been doing it for almost 5 years and it's beginning to wear on me. I hope to one day decrease the number of days I work after Clay graduates.
I finally rolled out of the bed around 10pm and got ready for work.
This is what I get to see when I walk into the lobby. They've had it decorated since the beginning of November with all the Christmas tress. One of the many reasons I love working at a Children's Hospital!!
So that's what life is like for me just about every other Tuesday. Sorry to bore you will all the random pictures and details of my day. But this will also remind me what life was like before two kids! Ha!! I seriously can't wait to meet our newest addition. And I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for my family in the years to come.
I have no idea how you work nights and have a toddler, and are pregnant!! You amaze me!!