Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 15 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby W is the size of an apple
Total Weight Gain/Loss: No weight gain yet. It's coming soon!!
Maternity Clothes: Yes! Just maternity jeans right now.
Gender: Can't wait to find out!
Movement: Feeling more and more flutters everday.
Sleep: Not so much. I thought I had turned a corner, but I guess that was a false alarm.
What I miss: Nothing yet
Cravings: This week nothing much has sounded very good. I'm hoping that will change soon, this momma is ready to get her appetite back. Ha!
Symptoms: Still not 100%. But it will get better soon!!
Best Moment this week: Feeling the baby move alot more, which as been more of a blessing than you might know.

I apologize for how bad I look in this picture. I've been on bedrest since Saturday. :( I started having some mild bleeding Thursday night while I was a work and then some cramping Friday during the day. I had set up an appointment to see the doctor for Saturday morning. She basically told me that bleeding happens alot in pregnancy, sometimes we don't know where it's coming from, but that she would like for me to be on bedrest until my appointment on Thursday. I did get to hear the babies heartbeat, it's beating strong, 160-170, and she said I was measuring great. As of today the bleeding hasn't stopped and I'm still having some cramping, but have been able to feel the baby move which is a BLESSING!! I hope to find out more on Thursday.
I'll be posting Bryson's Halloween pictures tomorrow. He and Clay had the best time! I can't wait to show y'all!!
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