Clay and I have both grown up in Southern Baptist Churches our entire lives. I started attending Gardendale First Baptist in Gardendale, AL after moving back home from college. And not long after I knew this is where God wanted me. I've been a member for over 7 years and shortly before Clay and I got married he joined. This church has completely changed our lives for the better and I can't imagine being anywhere else!
One thing I had to get used to was how large the church is (over 2000 members). But our pastor always reminds us that "the key to a large church is small groups!" Oh, how true that is! I can't tell y'all what our Sunday School class has meant to us. That is where I've made my lifelong friendships. And over the last few years we have become a real close group. We are all raising our kids together (who are all very close in age) in hopes they will all become best friends one day :) These girls have been there for me during the latter part of my infertility journey and they are all such GODLY women who I love and cherish.
I love our pastor. He is amazing and preaches without fear and doesn't care about being "politically correct." Our music leader is wonderful and does a tremendous job leading each week. And I LOVE that every Sunday we affirm the importance of scripture by raising our Bibles in the air and committing to use them in our daily lives. We have an amazing children, youth, and college program. The leaders in these areas have a heart for children and young people. They invest so much of their time and talents to help rear them in the right direction.
I could go on and on about how much I love my church. And I'm sure so many of you feel the same way about yours. But, if you are ever around the Gardendale area we would love to have you visit.

I could go on and on about how much I love my church. And I'm sure so many of you feel the same way about yours. But, if you are ever around the Gardendale area we would love to have you visit.
I hopped over here from Kelly's Korner! I live in Decatur, so was checking out all the nearby Alabama churches. I've seen this church several times driving through. My family and I love to eat at the Milo's at that exit! I recently met Judy Bates (I think that was her name...the Barganomics woman) from your church! Anyway, hope you have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteI've loved this SUYL, because it is such an encouragement to blog hop around and see other Christians who are so excited about Christ! Thanks for sharing!!