I think Veteran's Park is now one of my favorite places to take Bryson. He had so much fun and they had alot for him to do. If only it wasn't so far from my house!
Bryson was in love with the numbers on these cylinders. He would count them over and over.
We eventually made it to the slide. He was a little hesitant at first, but once he figured it out he didn't want to leave.
I think trying to go up the slide is something every kid tries to do at some point in their life. He never made it all the way up, but he tried really hard!
We never made it to the swings. Every time I would ask him he would tell me "NO mama!" So of course I never forced it. Ha!
I think going to the park gave Bryson an energy boost because he TOTALLY missed his nap. He did sleep for about 20 minutes before we got there, but I thought for sure he would crash out on the way home. No such luck.
When we got home I had two packages waiting on me! Ya'll know how much I heart packages!!
I've been looking for a chalkboard for my kitchen over the last few months and found this one on etsy. It ended up not being as big as I thought it was going to be, but it will work for now. I love the red. It gives the kitchen some color since most of my stuff is black and white.
And Bryson's Easter pail also came in. I ordered it several weeks ago and was anxious to see how it turned out. I love it! It turned out just perfect! I can't wait to fill it up. I've already bought a few things to go in it.
I hope ya'll are having a wonderful Friday. Clay and I are going on a much needed date tonight and meeting up with The Armstrong's for dinner at Sweet Bones Alabama.
Ya'll have a wonderful weekend!!!
Looks like he had fun! LOVE the easter pail!