you are 21 months old today!
Let's see what you've been up to these days...
You are weigh about 28lbs and I'm not sure exactly how tall you are, but you have shot up over the last month.
You still wear size 18 months in shorts and pants, but everything else is 24 months or 2T.
You wear a size 6 shoe

You aren't very interested in your toys - you would rather be outside! You will walk around in the yard just to be walking. You also like to climb up and down the steps on the porch. And you love peeking your head through the rails and playing peek-a-boo!
You love to sit in your chair in the living room and read to yourself. You will pick up everyone of your books and go through each one. I love that you enjoy reading (well it's not actual reading, but ya'll get the point). I hope it continues when you get older.

This week you've started letting me rock you before bedtime again. I have to admit that I'm in heaven! I've missed this time with you so much. You will let me sing to you and pray over you. I hope this will continue for just a little while longer.
You have the best personality! You can make us laugh all the time with some of the things you say and do. You are so funny!
Your vocabulary is soaring. You are repeating everything we say and learning new words every day. You can also count to ten now. You are very smart!

Your morning routine is pretty much the same. You will wake us up talking or calling out for us. We get you up with Mickey Mouse and blankie in hand. You will watch whatever is on Disney Junior at that time. You are loving that new show Jake and the Neverland Pirates. When you get ready to eat you will go over to your highchair and point and say "up" or "eat." Breakfast has become your biggest meal of the day.
You have a bit of a temper when you don't get your way. Bless your heart you get it from both sides. We are working on it though. We have started time out which seems to be working right now. I'll let you know how it goes over the next few months.

I can't believe you are almost TWO years old! Where has the time gone? You are such a sweet little boy and I can't wait to see the man that you become. I am SO proud to be your mama. I couldn't imagine my life without you in it. You have blessed my life more than you could now. I love you very much!

Wyatt LOVES Jake!!
ReplyDeleteLove the photos, especially the one where he is coming up the steps with his lip stuck out :) Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteLove Dad, a.k.a. Grandpa