My mom texted me the entire weekend to let me know how things were going. And of course he was an angel! But aren't all kids angels when their away from their parents?
Here are a few pictures from their weekend...

They took Bryson to one of the local parks in our areas. I was actually kinda' glad they took him to this particular one because I am hoping to have his birthday party here. I couldn't believe this picture when I got it. I have never been able to get Bryson on the swing.
He looks like such a BIG boy on the slide. I really can't believe how fast he's growing up!
Bryson and his Pawpaw
He got to bathe in my parents new bath tub. Oh how I wished this tub would have been around when I lived at home. Ha!!

Of course they went shopping and Bryson came home with a load of clothes and shoes. They even got to take him to my old home church today and I know my mom was loving it. She's been asking me literally since the day he was born when she would be able take him.
I can't believe I didn't take one single picture of mine and Clay's weekend. We didn't do an awful lot. We had dinner last night at Olive Garden and skipped out on the movie and came home to watch Inception with leonardo dicaprio and we didn't get 45 minutes into it and had to turn it off because we were so tired. I guess that's what happens when you've been married for almost 5 years and have a 1 1/2 year old. Ha! But I wouldn't trade these days for anything!
Thanks mom and dad for keeping Bryson and letting Clay and I sleep in. We love you!!!
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