I can't even begin to tell ya'll my displeasure with this dreadful weather that we have encountered here in the South the last few weeks. In the DEEP SOUTH we have to suffer through what is called the "wintry mix..." definition - a mix on rain and snow which literally means freezing rain. Oh, and did I mention that it always likes to show up on my week to work?? Ugh!!

This was my driver side mirror on Thursday night when I went into work. And from what Clay said it was worse during the day. He saw 3 wrecks on his way home from school and when he went to go and pick up Bryson it took him 2 1/2 hours to get to my grandmother's house who lives less than 15 miles from our house.
That night on my way to work 65 North was shut down due to a fatal wreck. When I got in my car the next morning the radio had confirmed 3 deaths due to the driving conditions. My heart breaks for each one of those families. People really need to be more careful when driving in these horrible conditions.

To let ya'll see kinda' what I'm talking about...this was my back porch on Friday morning and the day before it was a lot thicker than this. So ya'll kinda' see this "wintry mix" can be difficult and scary @ the same time when driving.
And according to one of the local meteorologists...there is the possibility of another "winter storm" towards the end of next week. They are talking about alot cooler temperatures than what we have seen so far, but no guarantees of where the snow will fall and how much. Looks like I will be heading to the local grocery store to pick up bread and milk. HA!

Girl - be SAFE!!!!