You are 19 Months old today! So let's see what you've been up too...
You are a VERY active toddler these days. You are constantly on the go. I don't think you ever sit still for more than a minute!
You started MDO this month and I really think you are enjoying it. Your teachers say you play very well with all the other kids. And I can't tell you how proud that makes me.

You are saying new words and phrases all the time. You call balloons "happy" which I think is so funny. And just the other day you said "open it" and "fix it!" You are quite the little chatterbox.
You have become very picky when it comes to food and refuse just about anything we try to feed you. I hope it's just a stage because you have always been so good at eating.
I couldn't tell you how many teeth you have. If I had to guess it would be more than 10. You never let me look in your mouth long enough to count. And I think you are starting to cut a few more in the back.

You are SO smart and strong willed. We are working on disciplining you. Right now we are trying "toy" time-out. Instead of putting you in time-out we put your toys in time-out and it has been going pretty well! Some days are better than others.
Some days you have me rolling in the floor laughing because when I'm getting on to you - you just laugh and laugh and then start kicking your feet like you are about to bust out in a big dance. It's really hard for me to stay mad with you!

You love helping me with the laundry and dishes. You know exactly where to put things and where they go.
You amaze me at how fast you are growing up and turning into a precious, loving, and smart little boy. I can't believe how quickly you pick up on things these days. I am enjoying this stage of your life so much right now!
You are 19 Months old today! So let's see what you've been up too...
You are a VERY active toddler these days. You are constantly on the go. I don't think you ever sit still for more than a minute!
You started MDO this month and I really think you are enjoying it. Your teachers say you play very well with all the other kids. And I can't tell you how proud that makes me.
You are saying new words and phrases all the time. You call balloons "happy" which I think is so funny. And just the other day you said "open it" and "fix it!" You are quite the little chatterbox.
You have become very picky when it comes to food and refuse just about anything we try to feed you. I hope it's just a stage because you have always been so good at eating.
I couldn't tell you how many teeth you have. If I had to guess it would be more than 10. You never let me look in your mouth long enough to count. And I think you are starting to cut a few more in the back.
You are SO smart and strong willed. We are working on disciplining you. Right now we are trying "toy" time-out. Instead of putting you in time-out we put your toys in time-out and it has been going pretty well! Some days are better than others.
Some days you have me rolling in the floor laughing because when I'm getting on to you - you just laugh and laugh and then start kicking your feet like you are about to bust out in a big dance. It's really hard for me to stay mad with you!
You love helping me with the laundry and dishes. You know exactly where to put things and where they go.
You amaze me at how fast you are growing up and turning into a precious, loving, and smart little boy. I can't believe how quickly you pick up on things these days. I am enjoying this stage of your life so much right now!
I'm doing great. Kylen is growing up fast! I am happy though I love the interaction factor that wasn't there when she was a newborn :) I will definitely come visit once it slows down up there and I'm not so worried about germs :) I miss being up there with everyone but just can't bring myself to leave her :)! Your little boy is growing up fast too! I love that you update often I love seeing all his pics!