Bryson finished his first week of MDO and from what his teachers have told me he's been great and they love having him! Today when I went to pick him up they said he started getting a little fussy about the last five minutes and when his teacher was putting him in the car he was in tears and his eyes looked like they could close at any minute.

Bless his heart - "school" is just wearing this baby out! But I think he really is enjoying it. And I just love his teachers.

This has been him his first two days after MDO - he's asleep before we leave Gardendale :)

I found Bryson's first little calendar in his backpack today for the month of February. It looks like they have something to do everyday :) And I got excited when I saw a note on the back asking all parents to bring 10 Valentine's Day cards on the 14th! I waited to be a mother for so long and just the smallest thing like buying Valentine's Day cards for his class makes me so happy!! I'm really enjoying this time in Bryson's life!!!

Oh, that is just TOO precious! I love when they konk out so quickly like that. Sweet dreams, little man. :)