I thought it would be fun to do a post about what a typical day is like right now for us. I haven't posted anything like this in a long time. Bryson is changing and growing so fast that it's hard for me to keep up. I want to remember what times were like during these stages of his life. I hope to be able to do one of these posts about every six months.
Today started off with me getting Bryson ready for MDO. The last few mornings we have struggled getting ready and getting out the door. He hasn't been waking up in the best mood and that usually causes this momma some problems. Ha! I didn't have anywhere to go today...which is the case most of the time, so I just roll out of bed and take him, hair in a ponytail and looking like a "hot mess." Thank goodness for the carpool line. Ha!!!

These days I'm doing good to get him this far out the door without pitching a fit! I can usually coax him into the car by telling him we'll listen to the Bob and Larry cd. Gets him every time! Ha!! Today made two days in a row where Bryson did not kick and scream when one of his teachers gets him out of the car. His bottom lip quivered a little, but no meltdown which I am so thankful for. I want him to enjoy this time and enjoy getting to be around other kids.

I did make a special stop by my favorite place today to get me a "pick me up." Since I don't have time to make myself coffee in the mornings, a large ocean water will do me just fine :)

After I dropped him off I went back home and folded the endless amount of laundry that somehow three people can create. It's never ending!

I picked Bryson up from "school" and his teacher told me he wasn't acting like himself today. I think these molars are doing a number on him. Bless his heart, we've been running fevers, his balance has been off and he's not sleeping well at all. She told me that he even took a 30 minute nap. He will usually wait until we get home to take his nap, so I didn't plan on being able to get too much done. I did make these brownies for after dinner tonight. Don't they look delicious?

And unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher. This is also something I feel like I do ALL the time. Do ya'll ever feel that way too?

Bryson ended up sleeping for 3 hours!!! He got up and I let him have some chocolate milk and raisins...what a combo, but hey that's what he's into right now. And watch Veggietales so I could get supper started.

I made a combination of the PW's mashed/twice baked potatoes. I didn't have all the ingredients for her mashed potato recipe so I combined it with the twice baked potatoes. They turned out really good. All it needed was some bacon! We also had her chicken-fried steak. Yum-o! I didn't have time to make up the gravy and Clay made a point to tell me (in a loving way) that he missed the "white gravy!" Of course I thought the mashed potatoes would be something Bryson would eat. NO!!! He didn't eat one bite of them and he used to be so good about eating them. Hoping this is just a phase.
After supper Clay was sweet enough to offer to give Bryson his bath. I was completely worn out and needed to finish cleaning up the kitchen. Plus this is my first night back to work, so I just needed a little time to relax.

It has become a ritual at our house that after Bryson is clean and in his pajamas we all get on our bed and watch one more episode of Veggietales, Handy Manny, or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I really enjoy this time and it's so special for Clay and I. After its over we say our prayers and if Bryson is in the mood one of us will rock him. It's rare that he wants to be rocked anymore - breaks my heart.
Well it's finally 8:20pm and he's in the bed. Clay and I are planning to watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy and then I'm going to try and sneak in a quick nap before I head off to work.

i feel ya on the laundry how do i have so much?!
ReplyDeleteI too feel ya on the laundry!! NEVER ENDING!! And the dishwasher too =).
ReplyDeleteI need to do "a day in the life" too, it seems so all incompassing now, but we won't be able to remember what our days were like now in a few years!!
Hope Bryson gets to feeling better soon =)