You are growing like a weed. You're no longer my teenie-weenie little nugget. It makes my mama heart sad to see you growing so fast, but I'm also very excited to watch you come into your own and develop your own little personality.
You've gotten to go on several road trips this month. We went up to Tennessee to visit your newest cousin Lyla Jane. And you visited your Grandpa and Grandma Amy out in Texas for the second time since you were born.
You also got to experience Top Hat BBQ for the first time! And not to anyones surprise you ate everything in site. :) What can I say, you LOVE food!
You've started doing this cute little thing with your face where you'll make your lips into an "O" shape and say "ooooohhhh!" We'll do it back and forth and just giggle every time.
You are extremely independent. You HAVE to do everything yourself. That is something I'm getting used too. And it's one of the things that makes me realize you are quickly moving into the toddler stage. We'll be there before you know it!

You've started doing this funny thing where you'll get on your hands and knees and stick your hiney in the air and crawl around. I got it on video the other day and me and your daddy just crack up watching it.
your funny "O" face
I am just amazed at how much you've changed our lives. I never in a million years thought I would be able to love another little one as much as I loved your brother, but it happened!
You are our silly, fun-loving little man, but the minute you don't get what you want you turn into a fiery little stinker. You follow your brother wherever he goes and you always want what he has. Sharing is neither one of y'alls strong points.
I adore this stage of your life. Watching your personality grow and you melting my heart with every kiss and cuddle.
~ We love you to the moon and back~ Mama, daddy and Bryson
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