This week is VBS week at GFBC. It's my first year helping/teaching and I couldn't be more excited!
Growing up I always loved vacation bible school. It was always something that kicked off our summer. It was also where I gave my heart to the Lord. I'll never forget that day, listening to our pastor come in and talk to us about Jesus and how much He loved us and how He came to earth to die on the cross for us.
I was so thrilled about this being Bryson's first year for VBS. Jaxon even got to go and stay with the girls from MDO. They were kind enough to keep the workers kids who aren't old enough for VBS.
Our theme for this year is Colossal Coaster World. Facing fear, trusting God.
And our verse is from 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
I was with the 3yr olds and our theme was a carnival. This was the ticket booth some of the girls painted for our classroom. Each room has something different and I'm excited we get to move rooms each day to see the other murals.
These two were pooped out and ready for bed after we got home. Not sure if every day will end like this. :) Hope ya'll are having a great Monday!!!
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