Monday, June 17, 2013

seven year itch

7 years ago today I walked down the isle of the church I grew up in and married my BEST FRIEND! Having no clue what my life would be like. We were in love, and hey that's all that matters right?
We've had our share of struggles and heartaches like many other couples who have gone before us. Financial struggles, infertility, job changes, and many more. But through each one I'm not sure I would have made it without the love and support Clay gives me.

Sure our marriage isn't perfect. Who's is? It's something we have to work at each and every day. Life is going to throw you some curve balls every now and then. And I honestly believe that it's how you handle those curve balls that will be the defining moments or the defeating ones in your marriage.

I couldn't have asked the Lord for a better friend, soul mate, and father to our boys. I love you Clay!!! Here's to the next 50 years!!!!!

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