Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
10 things I live for or can't live without: blogging with a purpose
Making Memories. There is nothing I want to do more than to make memories with my family. I love spontaneously taking the boys out for ice cream or letting Bryson stay up past his bedtime just because. Taking them out to do something for the "first" time. I want my boys to remember back to their childhood as being fun. I want to create family traditions that they will want to pass down to their children one day.
Quality Time. Clay will tell you that's my "love language." And he would be right! I love getting to spend one on one time with him. We don't have to talk to each other. Just him sitting next to me on the couch while we watch TV or going for a walk with the boys around the neighborhood. My love tank is always full when we have spent time with each other.
Taking Pictures. For as long as I can remember I have loved taking pictures. Being able to freeze a moment a memory in time, there's just something I love about it.
Laughing. My husband can make me laugh like no one else. And I talking about the kind that makes you double over and cry tears and maybe even let out a snort. ;) He has that gift!!!
Music. Any kind in any form. It's something I have loved since I was a little girl. Both my parents love music and I'm sure that's where I get it from. Music was always playing in my house growing up. There's something about hearing a song and it stirring up a memory. Like James Taylor's How Sweet it is to be Loved By You, reminds me of the day we got married. It was playing as we came walking down the aisle.
My Salvation. I'm no where near where I want to be in my walk with the Lord. As a Christian it's a struggle every day. But I am so thankful for grace and that Jesus doesn't expect me to be perfect all the time (or any of the time for that matter). I don't know how I would make it through this life without my salvation and knowing that I can call on Jesus at any time.
Being a great wife. I am so blessed to be in this role. I want to be a wife that my husband is proud of. I want to have a marriage our boys look up too and want for themselves.
Being a wonderful mother. It's what I was called to do. I love my boys with every inch of who I am. I live for the days that my boys tell me how proud they are of me. That they hope to find a wife as good as their mother. I want them to see the love I have for their daddy and know that's what real love is. I want them to see me live out my faith and that I trusted in God with every detail of my life.
My iPhone. I know this one sounds silly, but if it wasn't for my iPhone, I wouldn't have half the pictures and memories to look back on.
Lazy Summer days. Now that Clay is teaching, 9 months out of the year we don't get to spend near as much time together as a family. I have come to look forward to the summer time because there's no football and basketball practice. No late nights getting home from games or faculty meetings. During the summer we get to spend every moment together as a family of four. We get to make memories together.

Quality Time. Clay will tell you that's my "love language." And he would be right! I love getting to spend one on one time with him. We don't have to talk to each other. Just him sitting next to me on the couch while we watch TV or going for a walk with the boys around the neighborhood. My love tank is always full when we have spent time with each other.
Taking Pictures. For as long as I can remember I have loved taking pictures. Being able to freeze a moment a memory in time, there's just something I love about it.
Laughing. My husband can make me laugh like no one else. And I talking about the kind that makes you double over and cry tears and maybe even let out a snort. ;) He has that gift!!!
Music. Any kind in any form. It's something I have loved since I was a little girl. Both my parents love music and I'm sure that's where I get it from. Music was always playing in my house growing up. There's something about hearing a song and it stirring up a memory. Like James Taylor's How Sweet it is to be Loved By You, reminds me of the day we got married. It was playing as we came walking down the aisle.
My Salvation. I'm no where near where I want to be in my walk with the Lord. As a Christian it's a struggle every day. But I am so thankful for grace and that Jesus doesn't expect me to be perfect all the time (or any of the time for that matter). I don't know how I would make it through this life without my salvation and knowing that I can call on Jesus at any time.
Being a great wife. I am so blessed to be in this role. I want to be a wife that my husband is proud of. I want to have a marriage our boys look up too and want for themselves.
My iPhone. I know this one sounds silly, but if it wasn't for my iPhone, I wouldn't have half the pictures and memories to look back on.
Lazy Summer days. Now that Clay is teaching, 9 months out of the year we don't get to spend near as much time together as a family. I have come to look forward to the summer time because there's no football and basketball practice. No late nights getting home from games or faculty meetings. During the summer we get to spend every moment together as a family of four. We get to make memories together.
Friday, June 21, 2013
mike & sully are back!!!!!
Today's the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I quadruple heart Disney Pixar films. Finding Nemo, Toy Story 1, 2, and 3, Cars 1 and 2. And here recently I've found a love for Monster's Inc. Bryson watched it for the first time last week and every day since then he's watched it at least 3 times a day. So when he saw the previews to Monster's University and that's all he would talk about with me and Clay we knew we would have to take him. Of course the day it comes out is my weekend to work, so we've planned to take him one day next week.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
jaxon {14 months}
I guess you could say I've dropped the ball on keeping up with Jaxon's monthly updates. I still get the pictures done (usually weeks after), but life has gotten so busy, a GOOD busy, with 2 that I can't keep up. Blogging has taken a back seat and that somewhat frustrates me because this is my go to "journal" for my family. I'll eventually get back in the groove. No need to stress over the small stuff right!?! :)
You are growing like a weed. You're no longer my teenie-weenie little nugget. It makes my mama heart sad to see you growing so fast, but I'm also very excited to watch you come into your own and develop your own little personality.
You've gotten to go on several road trips this month. We went up to Tennessee to visit your newest cousin Lyla Jane. And you visited your Grandpa and Grandma Amy out in Texas for the second time since you were born.
You also got to experience Top Hat BBQ for the first time! And not to anyones surprise you ate everything in site. :) What can I say, you LOVE food!
You've started doing this cute little thing with your face where you'll make your lips into an "O" shape and say "ooooohhhh!" We'll do it back and forth and just giggle every time.
You are extremely independent. You HAVE to do everything yourself. That is something I'm getting used too. And it's one of the things that makes me realize you are quickly moving into the toddler stage. We'll be there before you know it!
You've started doing this funny thing where you'll get on your hands and knees and stick your hiney in the air and crawl around. I got it on video the other day and me and your daddy just crack up watching it.

You are growing like a weed. You're no longer my teenie-weenie little nugget. It makes my mama heart sad to see you growing so fast, but I'm also very excited to watch you come into your own and develop your own little personality.
You've gotten to go on several road trips this month. We went up to Tennessee to visit your newest cousin Lyla Jane. And you visited your Grandpa and Grandma Amy out in Texas for the second time since you were born.
You also got to experience Top Hat BBQ for the first time! And not to anyones surprise you ate everything in site. :) What can I say, you LOVE food!
You've started doing this cute little thing with your face where you'll make your lips into an "O" shape and say "ooooohhhh!" We'll do it back and forth and just giggle every time.
You are extremely independent. You HAVE to do everything yourself. That is something I'm getting used too. And it's one of the things that makes me realize you are quickly moving into the toddler stage. We'll be there before you know it!

You've started doing this funny thing where you'll get on your hands and knees and stick your hiney in the air and crawl around. I got it on video the other day and me and your daddy just crack up watching it.
your funny "O" face
I am just amazed at how much you've changed our lives. I never in a million years thought I would be able to love another little one as much as I loved your brother, but it happened!
You are our silly, fun-loving little man, but the minute you don't get what you want you turn into a fiery little stinker. You follow your brother wherever he goes and you always want what he has. Sharing is neither one of y'alls strong points.
I adore this stage of your life. Watching your personality grow and you melting my heart with every kiss and cuddle.
~ We love you to the moon and back~ Mama, daddy and Bryson
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
52 weeks of blogging with a purpose: who am i
I'm a mama...to two beautiful boys that I love with every inch of who I am! I am a mama who would lay down her life for them. A mama who loves taking care of them. And wants the very best for them and wants to see them dream BIG dreams and fulfill them. They are what makes me want to be better each and every day.
I am a wife...not the best one at times, but it's always a work in progress right? ;) I love and adore my husband! I thank God every day for blessing me with my soul mate. Clay and I have been through a lot in our 10 years together. He has seen me at my worst and I've seen him at his, but through it all we've grown closer together. I long for us to grow old together one day. I want to be a wife that he adores and respects. He's my best friend and I love him more and more everyday!!
I'm a daughter & sister...that doesn't spend near as much time as I should with my family. If I'm being honest, it's hard to find the time after working at night and then coming home to take care of my family to see my parents and brother. I know I need to make a better effort to spend time with them. My parents are so understanding of my schedule and have been there when I needed them. For that I am grateful and also undeserving.
I'm a friend...a terrible one at that. I'm horrible about returning phone calls and texts and emails. But I love my friends like they were my sisters! If they ever needed anything I would be right there in a second!!
I'm sure there are several other things I could list about who I am. But when it all comes down to it, I'm just Jennifer. The mother, the wife, the Christian, the daughter, sister, the friend that God designed. I am someone that needs to give myself grace every now and then. And not sweat the small stuff.
I am a work in progress.....
So excited about this new blog series Becky is doing entitled 52 weeks of blogging with purpose. Be sure to check out her blog each week for a new link up!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
seven year itch
7 years ago today I walked down the isle of the church I grew up in and married my BEST FRIEND! Having no clue what my life would be like. We were in love, and hey that's all that matters right?
We've had our share of struggles and heartaches like many other couples who have gone before us. Financial struggles, infertility, job changes, and many more. But through each one I'm not sure I would have made it without the love and support Clay gives me.
Sure our marriage isn't perfect. Who's is? It's something we have to work at each and every day. Life is going to throw you some curve balls every now and then. And I honestly believe that it's how you handle those curve balls that will be the defining moments or the defeating ones in your marriage.

We've had our share of struggles and heartaches like many other couples who have gone before us. Financial struggles, infertility, job changes, and many more. But through each one I'm not sure I would have made it without the love and support Clay gives me.
Sure our marriage isn't perfect. Who's is? It's something we have to work at each and every day. Life is going to throw you some curve balls every now and then. And I honestly believe that it's how you handle those curve balls that will be the defining moments or the defeating ones in your marriage.
I couldn't have asked the Lord for a better friend, soul mate, and father to our boys. I love you Clay!!! Here's to the next 50 years!!!!!
Friday, June 14, 2013
five on friday
Linking up with darci today for the first time for 5 on Friday. Seen several of my fellow twitter mama's linking up and thought this would be a fun and easy way for me to catch up on stuff we're doing. Summer is such a busy time for us and my blogging slacks off just a little.
Yesterday I started the 24 day challenge with Advocare. I've only completed one full day, so I can't say too much just yet. But I've seen some amazing results from friends. After baby #2 and infertility weight from baby #1, I've had a difficult time getting the weight off (
Bryson celebrating getting a new baseball bat and glove at a local yogurt place in town. Bryson has really gotten into baseball over the last few months and we thought it would be good for him to get a "real" bat and glove. Daddy even came home with a new t-ball set for him to start practicing for next year.
OMG! Have y'all seen this Geico commercial? Clay showed me this the other night and I can't stop laughing!!!
So excited for the summer season of Pretty Little Liars! Started watching it on netflix last year and have been hooked ever since. Sooooo curious who "red coat" is!!!!
Bryson's birthday is a little over a month away and I'm excited about planning his baseball themed party. I'm on the hunt looking for little baseballs to finish up a wreath similar to this one to hang on the door.
Hope y'all have a wonderful Friday! Getting ready to take Bryson and his friend Ross to the zoo today! Should be a lot of fun with these two!! :)
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
this and that & a special prayer request
It's been a great Tuesday! Our women's ministry started there summer bible study today. We're doing the six week Deuteronomy study by Beth Moore! After only 1 1/2 hours in I'm so hungry for this word!! Beth Moore is an incredible speaker/teacher. I came home and did my best to try and explain just some of the things she said today to Clay and for the life of me I can never say it as good as she does.
I'm sure most of y'all know Lindsey. Her son Will is having his bone marrow transplant tomorrow. A couple of girls on twitter gathered up a list to cover Will in prayer starting at midnight June 12th and lasting 24 hours. Lindsey is also asking her family and friends to wear green tomorrow to bring awareness to bone marrow transplants and donations. If you feel led, please lift up this sweet family and this precious boy Will tomorrow. I know Lindsey and Alex would appreciate it!
If you ever get the chance to do this study, please do it!!!
While Jaxon and I were gone to bible study Bryson wanted to stay home with daddy. Looks like they had tons of fun while we were gone. Bryson's been talking non-stop about getting to be by himself with his daddy today. I think it was much needed. :)
This one is loving sitting in his chair by the window. He looks like such a little old man sitting there. Ha! Wonder if he'll be a people watcher like me and his daddy.
I've been in a funk lately about my weight and how bad we've been eating. So I downloaded the couch25k app and Clay and I've been at it for two weeks. I'm not going to lie, it's been a little difficult, but each day gets a little easier each time. I'm also thinking about starting Advocare. I've been hearing great things about it, so I might give it a try. Really ready to get this pregnancy and infertility weight off.
And this one is in hog heaven because he's getting to "spend the night" in mommy and daddy's room tonight. These are rare moments and I never get any sleep when he does sleep with us, but he won't be this little for long.
I'm sure most of y'all know Lindsey. Her son Will is having his bone marrow transplant tomorrow. A couple of girls on twitter gathered up a list to cover Will in prayer starting at midnight June 12th and lasting 24 hours. Lindsey is also asking her family and friends to wear green tomorrow to bring awareness to bone marrow transplants and donations. If you feel led, please lift up this sweet family and this precious boy Will tomorrow. I know Lindsey and Alex would appreciate it!
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