Wednesday, June 13, 2012

jaxon's two month well visit

Why is it that every time we have a doctor's appointment the babies want to keep you up ALL NIGHT LONG??? Oh my goodness!!! Jaxon was up at 3am this morning and never went back to sleep. This is the first time he's ever done this. I'm chalking it up to him sensing he had a doctor's appointment because his big brother use to do the same thing. Drives this momma crazy!!!

We were 5 minutes late to our appointment. Not a big shocker!!! Ha! That's been the story of my life for the last 3 years. But hey these days I'm just glad we all made it in one piece.

 Big brother tagged along. I think he was just thankful that he wasn't the one seeing Dr. G today and getting shots! Little does he know his appointment is right around the corner.  

Waiting to see Dr. G. I made sure he got his bottle before his exam and shots. It never fails that I always schedule the boys appointments around their feeding schedule.

Dr. G's assistant gave Bryson a sucker and some stickers. He was so proud being the big brother today. He is such a good helper!

After his shots. :( He got 4 today. Oh it breaks my heart to see them cry. But he was such a little trooper.

Dr. G. said everything looked great. He's looking good and we can start cereal in the next few months! Eek!!! Time is going by so fast. I couldn't wait to find out his height and weight. I guess because I see him everyday I can't tell the changes like some people can. His weight was 11 pounds and height was 23 1/4 inches. He's growing like a weed. :)

Hope y'all are having a wonderful Wednesday! Oh and y'all need to hop on over and get your 2012-2013 Life Planner from erin condren. I'm so excited about all the new features! And there are so many great covers to choose from. It took me a little while to decide. Ha! I didn't use mine from last year near as much as I had hoped so I'm going to try and make a better effort to use it more this time. Orders are first come first serve.  

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