Monday, June 11, 2012

jaxon clay {2 months}

jaxon you turned two months old Saturday!

i can't believe you are two months! the time is just flying by. we are still adjusting to our new life as a family of four. it's not as easy as i thought it would be, but we'll get the hang of it soon.

you are changing every day. you are starting to develop your own routine, which is good because I pretty much know when are going to eat and so i am able to get a few things done while your napping. you eat every three hours during the day and get up once during the night around 3am-4am. you take 3 naps during the day which last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

you are starting to become a little more active while your awake. i think you enjoy the late morning and late afternoon times the best. you love lying on your green play mat and watching your brother play and put puzzles together or play with his cars.

every morning when Bryson gets up he will come into the bedroom and ask if you are "awake-eee!" you will always turn your head and try and look for him. i can already tell you are going to adore your big brother.

you refuse to take a passy which is good and bad i guess. instead you like to suck on your fingers. and you love to be held while we're standing up. daddy does that most of the time.

you have given us several smiles over the last few weeks and you are "coo-ing" and "ahhh-ing" a lot more too. you love it when we squeeze your cheeks or rub your chin. that is when you will talk to us the most.

~ i love you to the moon and back ~ momma

Stats for this month:

weight - 11 pounds

height - 23 1/4 inches

clothes - 0-3 months

diapers - size 1

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