Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bryson's First VBS

Last week Bryson went to his very first VBS! Gigi's had been asking Clay and I for a couple of weeks if she could take him. We thought it would be fun for him to go and a chance to get him out of the house since we haven't been able to do a lot of that these days. I know he doesn't understand yet what VBS is all about, but it will come with time. And if he's anything like his mama he will always enjoy going!

This was him on his first day! I can't believe how old he looks. And let me apologize for his crazy hair. That's something we've got to get done very soon!!!

The next day he wanted me to take his picture with his name badge. 

On the last night they invited all the parents to come and watch what the kids had learned. When Bryson saw us he went straight to Jaxon and said "baby brother's here!" He wasn't interested at all about the rest of us. 

I hate that I didn't bring my good camera, but he made it on the big screen. Ha! You can't see him that well. 

I can't believe my baby is getting old enough to be involved in VBS. 

The afternoon of his last night at VBS Clay had read where the kids had been learning bible verses, songs and bible points each night. So he asked Bryson if he had learned any bible verses and Bryson said yes. He looked at Clay and crossed his arms over his chest and said "always trust God" and pointed to the sky. Clay said it was the sweetest thing he's ever seen Bryson do. Even if my little boy isn't quite old enough to understand what VBS is all about, he did learn that we can "Always trust God!" And he has said it once every night since then. So it just goes to show you it doesn't matter what age your children are, they are always listening and taking in everything we tell them. 

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