Last Wednesday Clay left for several days for summer basketball camp. I'm not going to lie, I was extremely nervous when I first found out I would be alone with two kids for over 48 hours and still not able to get around without having to use the crutches/wheelchair. But I was determined I could handle it, because lets face it there are so many more people out there that have it worse off than me. People battling cancer, the loss of a child, I could go on and on. And compared to those individuals my problems are so small and temporary.
Since I can't drive or go for walks I had to come up with a few things for Bryson that he could do inside or out on the porch where I would be able to keep an eye on him. I didn't want him sitting in the living room all day watching TV.
A few weeks ago my MIL bought Bryson this little plastic pool, something I could use while Clay was gone. I broke it out pretty early. Ha! It was worth an hour of fun that afternoon. Just long enough for me to wash the bottles, get dinner on the table and even watch B enjoy his time in the pool.
That evening our sweet friends the Allison's brought dinner over for me and B. I can't tell y'all how much they have meant to Clay and I over the last few months. They have been such a blessing and they just welcomed twin boys two weeks before Jaxon was born and they have a daughter, Elaina, that is six months younger than Bryson. Like I said they are AMAZING! We have such a wonderful group of close-knit friends and I have no idea how I'm going to repay all of them for all there love, support and kindness throughout this whole process.
Nana and Paw-paw also came by after church to visit the boys. It's their weekly night visit! Bryson loves when Wednesdays come around :)
On Thursday, Drew came over and picked up B to give me a little break and so that he and Elaina could play together. This was the first time that Bryson has gone over to someones house that's not a relative without Clay or I being there. I was a little worried about how he would behave. But Sheri and Drew said he did great. They both play so well with one another. Elaina is the only person Bryson will play with and vise versa.
Bryson came home and crashed. He took a 3 hour nap! I think we need to get them together more often. Ha!
Mimi, Gigi and cousin Kim came by later that evening to hang out with us. Jaxon was talking up a storm to Gigi. I can't believe how much he's changing everyday. I didn't get a chance to take any pictures of them. I was just too busy!

That night I let Bryson sleep with me! We stayed up until after 10pm and quietly played with his cars since baby brother is still in mommy and daddy's room.
The boys and I had a great time together, but I have never been so happy to see Clay in all my life on Friday! We were all so glad to see daddy when he came home. I had no idea how difficult it was to take care of two kids by yourself. How some people do it I will never know, but I have a tremendous amount of respect for you. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful husband who can help out and who I love and adore so much. Things might have been a lot better if I could have gotten them out and taken them for a stroll to the park or to CFA. But I know those times will come very soon. Like I said this is only a bump in the road, a temporary problem that will soon get better.