Tuesday, June 26, 2012

project 365: week twenty-five

June 17: On Father's Day Clay and I also celebrated 6 years of marriage.

June 18: Hated leaving this little man on my first night back to work since February

June 19: Bryson rode along with daddy to pick up mommy from work since I couldn't drive

June 20: Exploring and finding his hands

June 21: Bryson loves marching around the house.

June 22: Propping up my leg after a night at work.

June 23: Saying night night to baby brother.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Birthday Party Fun

Our sweet nephew Owen turned TWO on Monday! My SIL and BIL celebrated his birthday this past Saturday. Jessica did a Dr. Seuss theme and it turned out so cute. I hate I didn't get any pictures of her decorations. I'm thinking that's what I'm going to do for Jaxon's first birthday, but I still have lots of time to think about that!

I love that Bryson and Owen have become such sweet friends and love playing with each other. Every time they are together you can't keep them apart.

Owen and his mommy and daddy opening his gifts. At one point Bryson was all up in those presents. I am constantly getting on to him about trying to open other peoples gifts. But when he saw that Owen was getting Cars and Toy Story stuff he just couldn't resist.

Me and my sweet boy! He was so red faced from playing in the bouncy house. We couldn't get him out of that thing. 

Bryson thought he would be a little risk taker and come down head first. Ha! And Owen always has the sweetest grin on his face.

Right before we were about to head home I realized I hadn't gotten a picture of Jaxon. And naturally he was crying and ready to get home so he could eat and go to sleep. 

This picture makes me laugh. The boys driving Emma and Anna around. These are two little twin girls that go to my FIL's church. They were so adorable and loved being pulled around by the boys. 

I hate I didn't get a picture of the birthday boy by himself. But at this age it's so hard to get one. Especially when there was so much fun going on. 

Happy 2nd Birthday Owen! We love you!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Six Years

Last Sunday not only did we celebrated Father's Day around our house, but Clay and I also celebrated six years of marriage.

Clay and I dated for 2 1/2 years before we got married. 

On June 17, 2006 I married my best friend. And someone I have been able to count on everyday for the last two thousand one hundred and ninety days.   

We have been through a lot these last six years. 

But there isn't another person  in the world that I would want by my side. Holding my hand, sharing in the laughter and the tears.  

Not only did I marry a wonderful husband, but he's an amazing father. It's so true what people say, the day you have your children, you will see your husband in a whole new light. It's a bond that you share that can never be broken. 

Happy Anniversary Clay! I love you more today than ever before. You are my best friend and my rock! I can't imagine what my life would be like without you. 

I love you!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bryson's First VBS

Last week Bryson went to his very first VBS! Gigi's had been asking Clay and I for a couple of weeks if she could take him. We thought it would be fun for him to go and a chance to get him out of the house since we haven't been able to do a lot of that these days. I know he doesn't understand yet what VBS is all about, but it will come with time. And if he's anything like his mama he will always enjoy going!

This was him on his first day! I can't believe how old he looks. And let me apologize for his crazy hair. That's something we've got to get done very soon!!!

The next day he wanted me to take his picture with his name badge. 

On the last night they invited all the parents to come and watch what the kids had learned. When Bryson saw us he went straight to Jaxon and said "baby brother's here!" He wasn't interested at all about the rest of us. 

I hate that I didn't bring my good camera, but he made it on the big screen. Ha! You can't see him that well. 

I can't believe my baby is getting old enough to be involved in VBS. 

The afternoon of his last night at VBS Clay had read where the kids had been learning bible verses, songs and bible points each night. So he asked Bryson if he had learned any bible verses and Bryson said yes. He looked at Clay and crossed his arms over his chest and said "always trust God" and pointed to the sky. Clay said it was the sweetest thing he's ever seen Bryson do. Even if my little boy isn't quite old enough to understand what VBS is all about, he did learn that we can "Always trust God!" And he has said it once every night since then. So it just goes to show you it doesn't matter what age your children are, they are always listening and taking in everything we tell them. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

project 365: week twenty-four

June 10: Bryson's new favorite place to hang out in the mornings while watching TV. 

June 11: Gigi's church was having VBS this week and she wanted B to go. This was his first time at VBS and he was so excited about going!!

June 12: Jaxon's starting to swat/grab at things. His favorite toy right now is the parrot on his green playmat

June 13: At the doctor for his 2 month well visit. This was right before he got his shots. :(

Jun 14: Bryson's last night of VBS. He was so excited that me and his daddy and baby brother were all there to see him. 

June 15: A BIG "Thank You" to my in-laws for keeping the boys so Clay and I could have one night away to celebrate our anniversary. It was pure bliss! But I missed my boys. 

June 16: Me and my big boy at Owen's birthday party. I don't think I've ever seen his face so red. He and Owen had so much fun in the bouncy house. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

jaxon's two month well visit

Why is it that every time we have a doctor's appointment the babies want to keep you up ALL NIGHT LONG??? Oh my goodness!!! Jaxon was up at 3am this morning and never went back to sleep. This is the first time he's ever done this. I'm chalking it up to him sensing he had a doctor's appointment because his big brother use to do the same thing. Drives this momma crazy!!!

We were 5 minutes late to our appointment. Not a big shocker!!! Ha! That's been the story of my life for the last 3 years. But hey these days I'm just glad we all made it in one piece.

 Big brother tagged along. I think he was just thankful that he wasn't the one seeing Dr. G today and getting shots! Little does he know his appointment is right around the corner.  

Waiting to see Dr. G. I made sure he got his bottle before his exam and shots. It never fails that I always schedule the boys appointments around their feeding schedule.

Dr. G's assistant gave Bryson a sucker and some stickers. He was so proud being the big brother today. He is such a good helper!

After his shots. :( He got 4 today. Oh it breaks my heart to see them cry. But he was such a little trooper.

Dr. G. said everything looked great. He's looking good and we can start cereal in the next few months! Eek!!! Time is going by so fast. I couldn't wait to find out his height and weight. I guess because I see him everyday I can't tell the changes like some people can. His weight was 11 pounds and height was 23 1/4 inches. He's growing like a weed. :)

Hope y'all are having a wonderful Wednesday! Oh and y'all need to hop on over and get your 2012-2013 Life Planner from erin condren. I'm so excited about all the new features! And there are so many great covers to choose from. It took me a little while to decide. Ha! I didn't use mine from last year near as much as I had hoped so I'm going to try and make a better effort to use it more this time. Orders are first come first serve.  

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

project 365: week twenty-three

May 3: I love seeing these two boys together. Nothing like brotherly love!

May 4: I have a new obsession...CFA chocolate chip cookies. I could seriously eat these everyday, but I'm trying to remember that I'm not pregnant anymore. Ha!

May 5: The many faces of Jaxon while he's getting a bath.

May 6: Daddy and Jaxon hanging out before big brother wakes up.

May 7: I just love that smile! Jaxon is smiling more and more everyday.

May 8: Today we had to get out of the house, so we made a trip to CFA for a milkshake. Vanilla is his favorite.

May 9: Jaxon turned two months today. I can't believe it! He's growing up so stinkin' fast.

Monday, June 11, 2012

jaxon clay {2 months}

jaxon you turned two months old Saturday!

i can't believe you are two months! the time is just flying by. we are still adjusting to our new life as a family of four. it's not as easy as i thought it would be, but we'll get the hang of it soon.

you are changing every day. you are starting to develop your own routine, which is good because I pretty much know when are going to eat and so i am able to get a few things done while your napping. you eat every three hours during the day and get up once during the night around 3am-4am. you take 3 naps during the day which last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

you are starting to become a little more active while your awake. i think you enjoy the late morning and late afternoon times the best. you love lying on your green play mat and watching your brother play and put puzzles together or play with his cars.

every morning when Bryson gets up he will come into the bedroom and ask if you are "awake-eee!" you will always turn your head and try and look for him. i can already tell you are going to adore your big brother.

you refuse to take a passy which is good and bad i guess. instead you like to suck on your fingers. and you love to be held while we're standing up. daddy does that most of the time.

you have given us several smiles over the last few weeks and you are "coo-ing" and "ahhh-ing" a lot more too. you love it when we squeeze your cheeks or rub your chin. that is when you will talk to us the most.

~ i love you to the moon and back ~ momma

Stats for this month:

weight - 11 pounds

height - 23 1/4 inches

clothes - 0-3 months

diapers - size 1

Friday, June 8, 2012

flashback friday

I have got to get better at blogging. I have so many ideas to blog about but there just isn't enough time in the day. And with a new little one plus my crazy toddler, by the end of the day I'm exhausted!

Often I look back at Bryson's pictures when he was Jaxon's age and I came across this one yesterday. I still had the same outfit, so I thought I would put J in it and compare them. They are both 60 days old in these pictures.

They look like they have the same noses and mouths, but I don't see many other similarities. What do y'all think? 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

project 365: twenty-two

May 27: Playing around with Jaxon and his beanie hat before he out grows it.

May 28: Memorial Day! Love these two boys!!

May 29: Bryson loves playing on the green mat with baby brother. He shows him all the colors and animals.

May 30: Kicking and splashing in his pool that his MiMi got him.

May 31: Spend the night party in mommy and daddy's room while daddy was away at basketball camp.

June 1: Brotherly love. Bryson loves seeing Jaxon first thing in the mornings. Always wants to know if "baby brother awake-ee?"

June 2: Daddy and Bryson snuggling together. This is one of my favorite pictures of these two.

Monday, June 4, 2012

While Daddy was Away

Last Wednesday Clay left for several days for summer basketball camp. I'm not going to lie, I was extremely nervous when I first found out I would be alone with two kids for over 48 hours and still not able to get around without having to use the crutches/wheelchair. But I was determined I could handle it, because lets face it there are so many more people out there that have it worse off than me. People battling cancer, the loss of a child, I could go on and on. And compared to those individuals my problems are so small and temporary.

Since I can't drive or go for walks I had to come up with a few things for Bryson that he could do inside or out on the porch where I would be able to keep an eye on him. I didn't want him sitting in the living room all day watching TV.

A few weeks ago my MIL bought Bryson this little plastic pool, something I could use while Clay was gone. I broke it out pretty early. Ha! It was worth an hour of fun that afternoon. Just long enough for me to wash the bottles, get dinner on the table and even watch B enjoy his time in the pool.

That evening our sweet friends the Allison's brought dinner over for me and B. I can't tell y'all how much they have meant to Clay and I over the last few months. They have been such a blessing and they just welcomed twin boys two weeks before Jaxon was born and they have a daughter, Elaina, that is six months younger than Bryson. Like I said they are AMAZING! We have such a wonderful group of close-knit friends and I have no idea how I'm going to repay all of them for all there love, support and kindness throughout this whole process.

Nana and Paw-paw also came by after church to visit the boys. It's their weekly night visit! Bryson loves when Wednesdays come around :)

On Thursday, Drew came over and picked up B to give me a little break and so that he and Elaina could play together. This was the first time that Bryson has gone over to someones house that's not a relative without Clay or I being there. I was a little worried about how he would behave. But Sheri and Drew said he did great. They both play so well with one another. Elaina is the only person Bryson will play with and vise versa.
Bryson came home and crashed. He took a 3 hour nap! I think we need to get them together more often. Ha!

Mimi, Gigi and cousin Kim came by later that evening to hang out with us. Jaxon was talking up a storm to Gigi. I can't believe how much he's changing everyday. I didn't get a chance to take any pictures of them. I was just too busy!

That night I let Bryson sleep with me! We stayed up until after 10pm and quietly played with his cars since baby brother is still in mommy and daddy's room.

The boys and I had a great time together, but I have never been so happy to see Clay in all my life on Friday! We were all so glad to see daddy when he came home. I had no idea how difficult it was to take care of two kids by yourself. How some people do it I will never know, but I have a tremendous amount of respect for you. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful husband who can help out and who I love and adore so much. Things might have been a lot better if I could have gotten them out and taken them for a stroll to the park or to CFA. But I know those times will come very soon. Like I said this is only a bump in the road, a temporary problem that will soon get better. 

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