I've been really proud of myself for making it this far! Not sure though how exciting my upcoming weeks will be. I'll have to get creative while I'm vegging out and taking it easy so Jaxon can stay put for just a little longer.

February 5: You really can't tell in this picture, but every Sunday while Clay and I are getting ready for church Bryson will come into our room and sit down and watch TV and finish his breakfast.
February 6: Clay is always getting Bryson to laugh. Not to mention this is the only way Clay can get him to brush his teeth. Ha!
February 7: We were at the CFA drive thru and Bryson noticed with moon outside his window and was so excited! He's really into the moon and stars right now.
February 8: Bryson working on his puzzle before school. It has become a ritual on Monday's and Wednesday's.
February 9: On Thursday we had the painters come out and paint our living room. Bryson and I were stuck in my bedroom for a few hours and he was amazed at all the work going on. He kept telling them "good job!"
February 10: Went over to my parents house to work on a few projects and was able to finish up Bryson's Valentine's Day gifts for his classmates. I loved how they turned out!
February 11: This is what the living room looks like now! I can't tell y'all how happy I was to get rid of the Auburn blue bachelor pad. Ha! Clay and I keep telling each other it looks like a home now! Now I just need to get some stuff hanging on the walls, new curtains and some pillows.
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