Tuesday, February 28, 2012

project 365: week eight

February 19: Since I've been on bedrest I've missed our Sunday night bible study (which makes me so sad!) Autumn has been so sweet to send home dinner for me each week.

February 20: Bryson laughing playing with the Tom Cat on my iPhone. He thinks he's very funny.

February 21: Bryson has finally learned to use his step stool to look on top of the counter tops. And to try and get into the cabinet.

February 22: The weather in Alabama has been crazy. On Wednesday when my mom brought Bryson back home he wanted to play outside. We let him run around in the front yard until it got dark. I can already tell he's going to be an outside kid! So bring on summer!!!

February 23: Clay's grandmother bought Bryson these ABC blocks and he doesn't play with them much anymore so I thought I would buy some paint pens and spell out the boy's names and put them in their rooms. Loved how they turned out.

February 24: I got Bryon's big bro shirt in the mail on Friday. Thank you Ashley. You did an amazing job!

February 25: My sweet boys snuggling on Saturday morning. Can't wait for all 3 of my boys to snuggle together.

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