Your favorite songs to sing before bedtime are the theme song to Veggietales (which you will sing and then tell me that "I sing it momma, not you!"), Jesus Loves Me, Away in a Manger, and Twinkle,Twinkle Little Star (and that's how you ask them every night in that order)!
When you are looking for something and can't find it you'll say "It's gotta be somewheres."
You always request "God our Faa-der" for the blessing. And it's so sweet to watch you. You fold your hands and clothes your eyes so tight. Every now and then we catch you peeking. Ha!
Every morning when I go into your room to get you up and I'm finishing changing your diaper, you will stand up on the bed and give me a hug and say "I loves you ma-ma!" Melts my heart every time.
You LOVE singing in the car. Mostly to Veggietales. You almost always request Silliness or Lyle the Kindly Viking. You will look out the window and sing every song or repeat every word they say. Every now and then if Clay and I will sing the songs and you get so mad at us and tell us "NO mama, NO da-da, I sing it! Not you!" I guess your not wild about our singing abilities. Ha!
Pawpaw and Grandmaw gave you a Woody doll a few weeks ago that is just like the one in the movie Toy Story. You take him to bed with you every night and I always make sure he's turned off so your not tempted to play with him during the night. Every morning when you get up you will ask us to "Wake Woody up please." So cute and precious!!
You say "Aw-man" a lot! Especially if you are playing with your basketball goal and you miss a basket.
If you eat something that tastes good you'll look at us and say "Ummm - that's good stuff!"
Probably one of my favorite things you say right now is when we are driving in the car at night or if we go outside and it's dark you will try and find the moon. Once you find it you'll tell us "I see da moon." And then almost immediately after that you say "I can't reach it. It's too far away." And something else you'll do when we are in the car is when we come up on a stop sign you'll say "There's an octagon. Just one octagon da-da."
If there is something that you want you will ask us and Clay and I will usually repeat is just to make sure that's what your asking and you'll say "Okay" like we were the ones that suggested it in the first place. It's really funny!
This age is both fun and exciting and exhausting and trying. There are good days and bad days, but on those good days and not so good days are where I see my little boy for who God made him and I can't wait to see what all God has in store for him and his life.
Bryson is so cute!