Tuesday, February 28, 2012

project 365: week eight

February 19: Since I've been on bedrest I've missed our Sunday night bible study (which makes me so sad!) Autumn has been so sweet to send home dinner for me each week.

February 20: Bryson laughing playing with the Tom Cat on my iPhone. He thinks he's very funny.

February 21: Bryson has finally learned to use his step stool to look on top of the counter tops. And to try and get into the cabinet.

February 22: The weather in Alabama has been crazy. On Wednesday when my mom brought Bryson back home he wanted to play outside. We let him run around in the front yard until it got dark. I can already tell he's going to be an outside kid! So bring on summer!!!

February 23: Clay's grandmother bought Bryson these ABC blocks and he doesn't play with them much anymore so I thought I would buy some paint pens and spell out the boy's names and put them in their rooms. Loved how they turned out.

February 24: I got Bryon's big bro shirt in the mail on Friday. Thank you Ashley. You did an amazing job!

February 25: My sweet boys snuggling on Saturday morning. Can't wait for all 3 of my boys to snuggle together.

Monday, February 27, 2012

32 Weeks {Baby #2} and Something to Celebrate

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 32 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby W is the size of a large jicama (I had to google what a jicama is and found out that it is a sweet root vegetable that looks similar to a turnip)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 19 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Yes!
Gender: It's a BOY! Jaxon Clay
Movement: ALL THE TIME!!! :)
Sleep: It's getting a little more difficult, but haven't moved to the recliner yet.
What I miss: I've never been a tummy sleeper, but this week I've been wishing I could lay on my tummy just to give my hips and hiney a rest. Ha!
Cravings: ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING!!! One thing I love about being pregnant!!
Symptoms: Still having a lot of uterine activity.
Best Moment this week: I got several things for Bryson and Jaxon in the mail this week. I think seeing those things are making this seem more real everyday. Getting to 32 weeks! A few weeks ago we didn't know if I would make it this far, but with lots of pray and rest I made it! And even though Clay and I weren't expecting me to be on bedrest for 6 weeks I've learned during this time that I have by myself that my relationship with the Lord is getting stronger. I'm wanting so much more for my relationship with my husband, my son and my friends. I really believe this time is drawing me closer to the Lord and is exactly what I needed at this time in my life.

And I just have to share with y'all why the W house is celebrating today...

Bryson used the BIG boy potty today for the first time! I think potty training is in our sites very soon.

Friday, February 24, 2012

February Photo A Day (Friday) Challenge

Day 24 - Inside your bathroom cabinet

A little reluctant to post this picture. Ha! Our bathroom cabinet is pretty jam packed. Oh, and if you didn't catch that last sentence I said "Our!" Yes, Clay and I have to share a sink which I think should be against the law!! And I'm sure y'all can tell I take up over 75% of this small space. :)

Hope y'all are having a great friday!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

DIY: You Are My Sunshine Canvas

Source: etsy.com via Jennifer on Pinterest

I was inspired by this board that I saw on etsy a while back. I've been looking for something like this to put in Jaxon's nursery. The $$$ was a little out of my range. So I thought I could do something similar and a little more budget friendly.

Instead of using plywood, I purchased a 20X20 white canvas from my local Hobby Lobby. They have all different size canvases, so pick out the one that works best for you. I also purchased some contact paper from WM and a can of spray paint in the color that I wanted.

I cut out the letters using the contact paper on my cricut to the desired size. Then I placed them on the canvas accordingly. ***(Side note: Some of my letters didn't stick very well to the canvas so I just placed some double sided tape on the back so that when I got ready to spray paint it would not bleed through)***

After I placed the letters where I wanted them I put on 3 coats of spray paint. Allowing a few minutes to dry in between each coat. Then I let it dry for about an hour and then peeled off the contact paper.

And this is how it turned out...

Total cost was under $20. I used a coupon for the canvas and the spray paint was 30% off the day I purchased it. Overall I'm really pleased with how it turned out. And I've already got one in my mind for big brother's room I hope to get done soon.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Update on Jaxon and Mommy

Today I had my follow up appointment with Dr. H. I was really nervous going into this appointment. I wasn't sure what to expect.

But the news we heard today was GOOD! Thankfully the rest is helping because I haven't dilated anymore. I'm still at 1cm. She wants me to remain on bedrest until 35 weeks. If I haven't progressed then she said we might talk about me going back to work until Jaxon decides to make his arrival.

I'm still waiting on the results of the fetal fibronectin test. I hope to find out the results by the end of the day. Depending on the results our plan might change.

I want to thank each and everyone of you that have been praying for me and Jaxon. As well as Clay and Bryson. This pregnancy has really tested my faith and has drawn me closer to the Lord. And I wish I could personally thank each of you in person.

My friend Kendra sent me this verse last week and I've been clinging to these words...
May the God of HOPE fill you with all JOY and PEACE as you TRUST in Him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

I will go back to the doctor next week and will continue weekly appointments until the BIG day. Again, thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement. I'm so thankful for this blogging community. :)

Happy Wednesday Y'all!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

project 365: week seven

February 12: Clay and I have a ritual on Sunday's. I will take Bryson into his Sunday School class and Clay will pick him up after. He is always so excited to see us when we come and get him!

February 13: Bryson giving me a BIG smile before going to MDO.

February 14: Valentine's Day morning. I don't think Bryson has a single clue as to what Valentine's Day is. Ha!

February 15: I can't believe I was able to get him to smile on 2 separate days for the camera. We were in car line for MDO.

February 16: My first official day of "bedrest." Drinking lots and lots of water and taking my meds. Doing everything I can to keep Jaxon in for just a little longer.

February 17: If you've never been on bedrest then let me just tell you how SLOW the days can go by. I have started looking forward to 12pm. The Chew is on and I'm usually eating some lunch by then too. Ha!!

February 18: Bryson has been such a trooper this past week. I know he has no clue why mommy lays in the bed a lot, but on Saturday he climbed up in the bed next to me and said "I lay down with you momma!" Oh I love that boy so much!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

31 Week {Baby #2} & Late Valentine's Day Post

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 31 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby W is the size of four navel oranges  
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 18 pounds. Lost a pound this week
Maternity Clothes: Yes!
Gender: It's a BOY! Jaxon Clay
Movement: ALL THE TIME!!! :)
Sleep:  I toss and turn A LOT! And my indigestion at night keeps me up. 
What I miss: Not being able to pick up Bryson :( But I know it's for the best and I have to think about Jaxon and what's best for him right now!
Cravings: Anything sweet and I'm hoping I can get Clay to make some of my friend Sheri's Buffalo Chicken Dip.
Symptoms: Cramping and a lot of what Dr. H. calls uterine activity.
Best (Worst) Moment this week: I wish I didn't have to write about the worst thing, but sometimes the Lord has a different plan. I won't get into all the details, you can read about it here. We're just praying for a good report on Wednesday and praying that the rest I've been doing the past week has helped.

With all the craziness that went on last week I didn't get a chance to post about our Valentine's Day. Of course it was my work week so Clay and I had made plans to celebrate this weekend. Depending on what Dr. H says, we might be spending this Valentine's Day at home instead. And you know what, that's okay! We are more than willing to take on for the team and do what's best for Jaxon. There will be MANY more Valentine's Days to celebrate!

When I got off of work I went by and picked up Clay and Bryson a balloon. Bryson loves balloons and I thought it would be fun to get Clay one too.

I had Bryson's gifts waiting for him on the table for when he got up. I didn't go all out this year. I found most of this stuff at Target in the dollar section. They have such great stuff.

I don't think he understood why he was getting gifts. But he was excited about them. Ha!

He was ready to tear open the ABC and 123 Magnet's and start playing with them.

I hate that I didn't get to have more of a special day planned with him. That's hard to do when you've worked the night before and 30 weeks pregnant. But it's not the gifts or that I didn't have some cute breakfast waiting on him. What matters is he knows that he is loved and I don't know of anyone who loves him more than me and his daddy!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

project 365: week six

I know I'm late getting this post up. I've was so busy last week and then got sidetracked with being put on bedrest I completely forgot.

I've been really proud of myself for making it this far! Not sure though how exciting my upcoming weeks will be. I'll have to get creative while I'm vegging out and taking it easy so Jaxon can stay put for just a little longer.

February 5: You really can't tell in this picture, but every Sunday while Clay and I are getting ready for church Bryson will come into our room and sit down and watch TV and finish his breakfast.

February 6: Clay is always getting Bryson to laugh. Not to mention this is the only way Clay can get him to brush his teeth. Ha!

February 7: We were at the CFA drive thru and Bryson noticed with moon outside his window and was so excited! He's really into the moon and stars right now.

February 8: Bryson working on his puzzle before school. It has become a ritual on Monday's and Wednesday's.

February 9: On Thursday we had the painters come out and paint our living room. Bryson and I were stuck in my bedroom for a few hours and he was amazed at all the work going on. He kept telling them "good job!"

February 10: Went over to my parents house to work on a few projects and was able to finish up Bryson's Valentine's Day gifts for his classmates. I loved how they turned out!

February 11: This is what the living room looks like now! I can't tell y'all how happy I was to get rid of the Auburn blue bachelor pad. Ha! Clay and I keep telling each other it looks like a home now! Now I just need to get some stuff hanging on the walls, new curtains and some pillows.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Februay Photo A Day (Friday) Challenge

Day 17 - Time

I am currently in the middle of watching The Chew. I'm on my second full day of bedrest and who knew how hard this would be. Time does not go by very fast when all you do is lay in the bed or couch; catch up on your DVR, spend WAY to much time on Twitter and want to spend money that you don't have. Oh and go to the fridge about a dozen times before 12:30pm. There's no telling what I'm going to weigh come next Wednesday.

Hope y'all are having a great Friday!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Prayer Request

What a crazy 24 hours it has been. Yesterday I had my 30 week appointment. I met with Dr. H and we discussed what all has been going on (the cramping, which has gotten slightly worse and the contractions that I'm still having). She examined me and without hesitating told me I had dilated to 1cm. From that moment on everything else was a blur.

After my exam she had me go and get a Non-Stress Test (NST) to see if I was actively contracting. As soon as I got hooked up for the test I started cramping and having a lot of uterine irritability. The NST lasted about 25 minutes and then I went back and saw Dr. H to talk about what we would do from here.

The first thing she said was that I would be on strict bedrest for the duration of the pregnancy. She was glad that I had made it to 30 weeks, but would be more happy if we could get to the 32 mark. We talked about when she would give the steroid shot to boost Jaxon's lung maturity and that will depend on what happens at my appointment next week. I also had blood drawn for my liver enzymes to check and make sure they are still okay. And because of my uterine irritability, she sent me down to L&D to get a couple doses of Brethine (it's used to relax the uterus and help stop preterm labor). She also increased my Procardia to every 4 hours.

I have cried A LOT these last 24 hours. From a nursing standpoint I know that it's not quite time for Jaxon to make his arrival. And I hate knowing so much sometimes! As a pediatric nurse I know first hand the effects that can come from premature deliveries. Yes there are many successful stories, but I don't get to see very many of those at my job. I love what I do and I love taking care of these kids, but I've also seen what it does to families and the toil it takes on them. And yesterday I caught myself wondering if I could handle something like that. At that moment I wasn't sure if I could be strong enough. But I know my God has a plan for me, my family and for Jaxon. He will never give us more than we can handle and I know His hands are on our situation.

I have been saying this prayer over and over...

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
 My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
 The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
 The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
 The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. Psalm 121

Clay and I would greatly appreciate your prayers during these next few weeks. We have no idea what is in store for us, but we know that God is right here in the middle of it all and he is going to take care of everything!

And I couldn't help but post this picture...
I just adore this little boy!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Story of Us: Link Up from Mrs. to Mama!

I noticed on twitter last week that several girls were linking up their "Love Story." It's a fun little link up with from Mrs. to Mama. So in the spirit of Valentine's Day I thought I would share our story.

1. How long have you and your significant other been together?

Clay and I started dating on December 5th, 2003. We've been together 8 years! I can't believe it's been that long. And honestly it seems like a lifetime. I can't imagine life without him!

2. How did you meet? {What's your "love" story?}

We've known each other our entire lives. We went to the same school (elementary, middle and high)and our families lived next door to each other for a little while. We didn't start dating until a few years after high school. I ran into him one summer I was home from college. We exchanged phone numbers and started out as friends. We hung out a lot that summer. Went to the beach together with several of our friends. When I went back to Auburn for the fall semester, he would come down and we would tailgate and go to the games together. And I guess you could say the rest is history!

And just a side note...he was my first kiss. We were 5 and were on the playground at our church.

3. If married, how long have you been married?

We've been married for 5.5 years. We got married on June 17th, 2006

4. If you are married, where did you get married at? Big or small wedding?

We got married at the church I grew up in Smokerise, AL. We had about 100-150 guests. Our reception was also at the church.

5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!

We have a mutual nick-name for one another "Cledus." We call each other this when one of us does something dumb or acts crazy.

6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.

His devotion to our family, his thoughtfulness and he is probably hands down the funniest person I know. The Lord knew I needed someone like Clay to put up with my craziness. :)

7. Tell us how he proposed?

It was like any other night. I had always told him that I didn't want a big proposal. Something simple. And that's exactly what he did. I had moved back home from college and was working at the time. It was a Saturday night, August 13th, 2005. We had gone and picked up sandwiches from Subway and rented The Pacifier with Vin Diesel and went back to his house. Like I said, a typical night for us. I remember getting up and going to the bathroom and the next thing I know I walk out and he's got music playing and is down on one knee asking me to marry him. Of course I said yes! I loved that it was just us and nobody else.

That night we went to my parents house to tell them the big news and then made our way to his mom's house. It was the perfect night! One I will always remember!!

8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?

He's really neither one of those. We usually celebrate Valentine's Day going out to dinner and to the movies or I will cook his favorite meal at home. He will usually send flowers and he always gets me a card. It's never anything extravagant!

9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?

We are definitely a pop in a movie and relax on the couch kinda' couple. I mostly fall asleep on the couch, which never turns out to well for Clay. Ha!

10. Tell us one thing you'd like to do with your significant one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?

Clay's dream is to go to St. Andrews in Scotland for the British Open. I would love for him to go with the boys one day. Of course I would tag along and shop shop shop! And we've always talked about going to Hawaii and Paris. Maybe one day.

11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine's Day.

Since Valentine's Day falls on my week to work, we'll probably celebrate next weekend. Something low key like dinner and a movie.

12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine's day?

I didn't ask for anything this year. We've got so much going on right now with a baby on the way and Clay finishing up his last semester of school. If I did ask for something it would be a weekend with just Clay and I. We don't get a lot of those.

13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.

Some of the things I've learned...lift each other up and support one another. Be an encouragement to your spouse. Don't sweat the small stuff. Enjoy each other and ALWAYS take the time to laugh! You don't have to be serious all the time.

14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.

Monday, February 13, 2012

30 Weeks {Baby #2} and Valentine's Day Party

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 30 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby W is the size of a cabbage
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 19 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Yes!
Gender: It's a BOY! Jaxon Clay
Movement: ALL THE TIME!!! :)
Sleep: Surprisingly I slept really good this week, but I don't think I'm to far away from sleeping in the recliner.
What I miss: Not getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Or every time I go into a store I'm looking for their restroom. Ha!!
Cravings: Loving everything! I made Nestle's Chocolate Chip Pie and have eaten over half of it by myself. I'm sure that contributing to the 3 pound weight gain this week. :)
Symptoms: Still having contractions and cramping every day just about everyday. I go back to the doctor on Wednesday. Praying I haven't dilated!!!
Best Moment this week: Being able to spend my last few weeks with Bryson as an only child. We took several naps together this week. We worked on puzzles EVERYDAY! I mentioned to Clay on Saturday night that I wanted to make the month of March all about B. I want to try and do several special things with him before we "rock his world!" Ha!

Today was Bryson's MDO Valentine's Day Party. This was the best picture I could get of him this morning before school. I hate that you can't see his shirt more. It has a cute red heart at the end of the tie.

This year I decided I would be "that mom!" The one who doesn't give candy. Between all of Bryson's grandparents, he gets way to much candy and I thought this year I would do something a little different and fun. Bryson is really into coloring and I thought sidewalk chalk would be something fun for the kids since the weather has been extremely warm for this time of year.

When I picked Bryson up today all he talked about were the colors pink and red. They had sent home a heart he had colored and when I put it up on the fridge he told me "Bryson did this momma." He was so proud of himself! And I am so proud of him too!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

February - Photo A Day (Friday) Challenge

Day 10 - Self Portrait

I guess you could say I cheated with this picture. Y'all I looked like a hot mess today, I couldn't imagine posting a picture of myself looking that way. Ha!

That picture was taken over 5 1/2 years ago. I have definitely aged. Pregnancy and a toddler will do that to you. Ha!!

Hope y'all have a wonderful Friday!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

29 Weeks {Baby #2}

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 29 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby W is the size of a butternut squash
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 16 pounds so far.
Maternity Clothes: Yes!
Gender: It's a BOY! Jaxon Clay
Movement: ALL THE TIME!!! :)
Sleep: I'm starting to get uncomfortable when I sleep. I toss and turn A LOT and I know that it's getting on Clay's nerves. Ha!
What I miss: I still have lots of energy, which is not such a good thing right now since I'm supposed to be taking it easy. But I've got several little projects on my list to do this week that don't require a lot of moving around.
Cravings: Still loving anything and everything! :)
Symptoms: Still having contractions every day, but I think the cramping is getting worse. I had to take off from work an extra day last week because the MD thinks that I'm eventually going to start dilating. Let's pray that doesn't happen for at least 7 for weeks!!!
Best Moment this week: For me this pregnancy is VERY bittersweet. With all the issues I've had this pregnancy, I've really enjoyed every minute. Clay and I are thinking this will probably be our last baby, so I've been taking in every kick and every movement Jaxon makes. I want to remember this time because I will never be able to get it back.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

project 365: week five

January 29: My two favorite men in the world. I always try and get a picture of these two on Sunday's because they always look so handsome dressed up for church :)

January 30: On our way to MDO. I cannot believe that Bryson's been in MDO for a year. He has grown so much and really enjoys going to "school."

January 31: Our nightly routine. After Bryson gets his bath he will hang out in our room and we cuddle up and watch a movie or sometimes even a basketball game. This is probably my favorite time of the day.

February 1: I know Bryson has been in the rain before, but I don't know if he's ever felt it on his hands? Before taking him to MDO I let him stand right under the carport and stick his hand out to feel the rain. He was really into it. Maybe the next time it rains we'll go out and play.

February 2: Ever since I let him take his cars into the bathtub he's been obsessed! That's probably an understatement. Every night this week when he's gotten home he will come up to Clay and I and ask he can have a bubble bath and play with his cars. We've created a monster!!!

February 3: This has been my view for the last several months. It's getting to the point where I have to bend over just to see my feet. With all the issues going on I've really cherished this pregnancy. Probably because I know it's the last and I want to take in EVERY moment and remember this time.

February 4: My friend Mary was so sweet to monogram these towels for the boys. I'm hoping this summer I can get their bathroom completed.

Friday, February 3, 2012

February Photo A Day Challenge

I've noticed several of my Twitter friends and on some of the blogs I read they are participating in the February Photo A Day Challenge. So I thought I would jump in and join the fun. Plus this will give me something to write a post on. Ha!

With all that I have going on (i.e. work, being mommy, extremely pregnant, project 365, etc), I think I'm only going take the pictures that fall on Fridays. I don't know if I could commit myself to take one everyday. I'm so overwhelmed with everything going on right now! But I love taking pictures and I love that this will give me somewhat of a challenge to capture the picture for that specific day.

Day 3 - Hands

I LOVE these little hands.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I have SO been looking forward to writing this post! But I wanted to wait until now to post it since Bryson is 2 1/2. This is really a post for me to remember some of the funny things that Bryson is saying and doing right now.

Your favorite songs to sing before bedtime are the theme song to Veggietales (which you will sing and then tell me that "I sing it momma, not you!"), Jesus Loves Me, Away in a Manger, and Twinkle,Twinkle Little Star (and that's how you ask them every night in that order)!

When you are looking for something and can't find it you'll say "It's gotta be somewheres."

You always request "God our Faa-der" for the blessing. And it's so sweet to watch you. You fold your hands and clothes your eyes so tight. Every now and then we catch you peeking. Ha!

Every morning when I go into your room to get you up and I'm finishing changing your diaper, you will stand up on the bed and give me a hug and say "I loves you ma-ma!" Melts my heart every time.

You LOVE singing in the car. Mostly to Veggietales. You almost always request Silliness or Lyle the Kindly Viking. You will look out the window and sing every song or repeat every word they say. Every now and then if Clay and I will sing the songs and you get so mad at us and tell us "NO mama, NO da-da, I sing it! Not you!" I guess your not wild about our singing abilities. Ha!

Pawpaw and Grandmaw gave you a Woody doll a few weeks ago that is just like the one in the movie Toy Story. You take him to bed with you every night and I always make sure he's turned off so your not tempted to play with him during the night. Every morning when you get up you will ask us to "Wake Woody up please." So cute and precious!!

You say "Aw-man" a lot! Especially if you are playing with your basketball goal and you miss a basket.

If you eat something that tastes good you'll look at us and say "Ummm - that's good stuff!"

Probably one of my favorite things you say right now is when we are driving in the car at night or if we go outside and it's dark you will try and find the moon. Once you find it you'll tell us "I see da moon." And then almost immediately after that you say "I can't reach it. It's too far away." And something else you'll do when we are in the car is when we come up on a stop sign you'll say "There's an octagon. Just one octagon da-da."

If there is something that you want you will ask us and Clay and I will usually repeat is just to make sure that's what your asking and you'll say "Okay" like we were the ones that suggested it in the first place. It's really funny!

This age is both fun and exciting and exhausting and trying. There are good days and bad days, but on those good days and not so good days are where I see my little boy for who God made him and I can't wait to see what all God has in store for him and his life.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Life for the Next 2 Days

Last week I told y'all about my visit with Dr H. Well today I had my follow-up appointment and I received some good news and some bad news.

The good news first...my liver U/S came back clear. The Radiologist found nothing abnormal and I will have another U/S postpartum. Second, my liver enzymes have come back down! This is a HUGE answer to our prayers since this was the reason I delivered at 36 weeks with Bryson. We are just praying that they will continue to stay down!!! And third, I'm still not dilating!

On to the bad news...I'm still having contractions and cramping even with taking my Procardia. So I've been put on strict orders from the doc to be on bedrest for the next two days. Which means missing two days of work. I had already known that I would be missing Thursday since Dr. H and I decided it would be best for me to take a day off in between my work schedule. But this extra day is not something I expected when I went into the doctor's office today.

She told me that eventually she believes that the cramping and contracting are going to lead to me starting to dilate. Which is NOT something we want at this point considering I'm only 28 weeks. I will go back for another visit in 2 weeks to be checked and also to evaluate if I need to decrease more of my work load.

I am asking for your prayers for the next few months. And specifically that you would pray for the contractions and cramping to stop. Mommy, daddy and Bryson are not quite ready for little brother to make his appearance just yet!

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