We had an amazing Easter! We are so blessed to be surrounded by so many people we love and that loves us. The weather was gorgeous and overall it was a perfect day!
We woke up Sunday morning with a visit from the Easter bunny. Both of my boys got visits this year. Ha! I fixed orange rolls for Clay and I for breakfast... those are mine and Clay's favorite. They are the ones out of the can. Love them! And Bryson had eggs (those seem to be his favorite right now) and a strawberry pop-tart.

As soon as Bryson saw his basket he hit the floor running. And he literally took out every single item to examine it. Such a man! Ha!

This was his basket before he tore into it. He got a coloring book, new crayons, strawberry marshmallows, bite size oreo cookies, sesame street book, new pajama's, and eggs filled with scooby doo fruit snacks.
I forgot to take a picture of Clay's basket. He got a new Auburn tag for the front of his truck, snickers and m&m's, and a National Championship magnet to put on his truck. He's been asking for one for the last few months so I thought I would add one of those in.
After breakfast we headed out to church. For Easter service they let all kids 0 to kindergarten stay in the nursery at the new campus. We usually have to take Bryson to the old campus because they don't have the room to put all the kids in yet. So it was nice to be able to all be at the same church for Easter, even if Bryson was downstairs.
The worship service was amazing as always. And of course I was tearing up after the second song. I can't begin to tell ya'll how much I enjoy our church, the worship leaders, the choir, and our pastor. You can always feel the presence of Jesus when you are there.

This year we went over to my father-in-law's house for lunch. My mother-in-law made lasagna and of course it was yummy! The whole family was there and it was good to get to see everyone.
This was a picture of Bryson opening his Easter basket from Nana and Pawpaw. I couldn't believe he tried on his Mickey Mouse sunglasses!

Owen, Nana, Bryson, and Pawpaw

I was SO excited when I found out that they were going to let Bryson and Owen hunt for eggs. We didn't go to an Easter egg hunt this year, so I was really hoping someone in our family would have eggs to hunt. :)

Owen is already trying to take some steps. I can't believe he is already 10 months old. We'll be celebrating his first birthday soon!

Doesn't that little boy look adorable in those plaid shorts and sweater vest. When I was putting on his clothes yesterday, I started screaming (literally) with excitement because he looked so darn cute! Ha!
These eggs had m&m's, cotton candy, and marshmallow circus peanuts in them. And in true Bryson fashion, once he figured out the ones with the m&m's in them he would open them up and start eating them.

Later we headed over to my parent's house to visit and hunt for eggs there too.
This is my sister! She adores Bryson. She and her three girls gave him an Easter basket filled with a football, baseball and bat, soccer ball, and basketball. Some sort of nerf rock launcher and a bubble machine. Clay and I joked at how Easter would end up being Bryson's favorite holiday because of all the stuff he got. But on a serious note, I'm wanting to purchase the resurrection eggs for next year. It's so nice that our families do so much for Bryson, but I feel like it's mine and Clay's job to teach him the real reason why we celebrate this beautiful holiday!

The hunt was on for eggs at my parents house. Some of the eggs were filled with change and there was even a golden egg, which of course Bryson found thanks to some help from his Grandmama, with $10! What happened to the days of plain old boiled, dyed eggs?

Pawpaw, Grandmama, and Bryson
I wasn't able to get a picture of my brother and sister-in-law. But I was so excited to get to see them. I wish so badly that we lived closer and could see them more often. My SIL is amazing and so much fun to be around. I know I've said this before, but I CAN'T WAIT for the day when they have children of their own :)

Our final stop was to Gigi and Pop's house. Bryson was a trooper the entire day. But as ya'll can tell, we were down to just our shorts by the end of the day!
This was him stuffing ice cream cake in his mouth :)

Bryson and Mimi
Again, I can't tell ya'll how much of a wonderful day we had! I want to leave ya'll with this video of Matt Maher's song Christ has Risen...I've heard it alot on the radio and we sang it today in church. Such a powerful song and perfect for this Easter Sunday...