Today Clay's grandmother was feeling a little under the weather so we asked Clay's sister if she would mind us bringing Bryson to the daycare where she works. We've only done this on two other occasions (they are so nice to let Bryson come for just a few hours until Clay gets out of school). And since Clay's little sister is getting married and going to be moving a few hours away we thought this would be a good time for them to spend time together before she moves. This also gives Bryson some time to interact with other kids his age.

I can't believe how big he is getting. I heard he did really well. He ate when all the other kids ate, but he wasn't able to take a nap when they did. I'm sure his Aunt Erica spoiled him rotten the entire time he was there.
Erica said he played so well with all the other kids. I was really happy to hear that!
She told me there was this one girl, Bre that he really enjoyed playing with. Those roles on her arms are so stink'n cute!!
I thought this picture was so sweet. Bre is such a beautiful little girl. I could just eat those two little babies up!
Well he eventually passed out after lunch. Bless his heart.

I was such a proud momma to hear my little boy was so good today and got along so well with all the other kids. Clay and I have been talking about starting him in Mother's Day Out in January. I really think it's important for him to be around and interact with other children. I'm really excited about him going and I know he'll love it too.
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