I think I remember telling y'all that while we were on vacation Bryson started crawling. He has been crawling for months, but it's the army like crawl where he crawls while he's on his tummy like a little army solider. It's sooo cute!But for the past few weeks this is how Bryson has been getting around the house. I really didn't think he would ever crawl on his hands and knees and his pediatrician seemed to think he wouldn't either, but he fooled us.
I was nervous that he might not ever crawl and I was afraid that it would put him behind developmentally on walking. But his doctor said that there are lots of babies that never crawl and just go straight to walking.
I thought this picture was so funny and had to share it!
He loves pulling up on the loveseat. He's getting better and better everyday. We are hoping that he might be able to start walking by himself in the next few weeks just in time for Aunt Erica's wedding.
That reminds me...Bryson tried on his tux the other night and y'all he looked like the biggest ham! He was soooo funny but he looked soooo cute!! I'll try and post pics sometime this week.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Better Late Than Never
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