What have you been up to these days...
You weigh around 24-25lbs. I am already putting you in 18 month clothes. There are some winter things I'm wanting to get you, but I'm just nervous about what size to buy at the rate you are growing right now.
You LIVE to eat. ha! You will just about eat anything we put on your tray. You love green beans, so I feed you those quite often. And you really enjoy eating your pancakes on the weekends. It's so fun now when we go out to restaurants because I can just about order you anything from the menu.
Your love to talk. You are such a social little boy. Your favorite words right now are "baby" and "buy buy". We are working on momma and thank you! And just recently when you see your little toy sheep you will say "baaaaa!!!" So cute!
You are still having separation anxiety when we take you to the nursery. You will cling to me and refuse to let those sweet ladies take you. But once I leave they say you do just fine. And when we come back to pick you up, your always playing and having a good time.
Just last week while we were at the beach you decided you were going to start crawling like a normal baby. You have always been one of those babies that "army crawls" and you can't imagine who excited me and your daddy were when we saw you crawling. And since then you have been pulling up alot better and trying to stand on your own. Your daddy says he thinks you'll be walking by next month. We'll have to see...
Some more great photos! I think I agree with Clay - he'll be walking before you know it and then you'll be busy chasing him around the house :) I know how happy he made you two when he started crawling - it wouldn't break my heart if he was still crawling when we get to see him again. I hope you first week back to work after vacation went well and that you have a great week off this coming week. Love to you all!
ReplyDeleteDad - Grandpa!